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You were peacefully sleeping in your bed, having a wonderful dream about food and Dean, the man you were in love with. You had been hunting with the Winchester brothers for many years. Well, since Bobby introduced you when you were only 15.

Meanwhile, Dean laid on his bed, unable to sleep. His mind was on you and only you, the girl he's been in love with since he was 18. The only two people who know are Castiel and Sam. Both men tried to convince Dean to tell you but Dean was afraid that you would reject him. But he was done hiding it.

That's how he ended up in front of your bedroom door. He was hesitant to open the door, knowing you would be pissed that he woke you up but he had to tell you. His hand turned the doorknob and he peeked inside. You groaned as the light shined on you, waking you up. You peeked your eyes open just a sliver to see the oldest Winchester in your doorway.

"Dean? What do you want? It's....3am." You asked after taking a glance at the clock.

"I-uh- well I...." Dean stuttered, he should of thought this through.

"Why have you decided to bother me this early? You could of woke up Sam or called for Cas but no-"

"I love you." Dean blurted.

He had to say it before he lost all confidence.

"I love you too. Now lay down so we can cuddle. I'm tired." You grabbed the hem of Dean's shirt and tugged.

He began to stutter and blushed hard.

"If you don't lay down I will force you to lay and I will lay on top of you." You threatened.

He followed orders and laid down, you immediately cuddled into his chest, muttering a small goodnight before falling asleep.

Of course you were half asleep when this all went down, and you wouldn't remember it in the morning, but Dean would make sure to tell you once again that he loved you.

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