Shark Week/Castiel

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"OH FUCK I'M DYING!" I shouted, curling into a ball.

I had started my period yesterday and it was not fun. The boys tried to cheer you up as much as they could, but it didn't really work.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Cas tilted his head, appearing in my room.

"Shark week, Cas." I simply answered.

He forrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I started my period." I explained.

"Oh." He answered.

He suddenly disappeared and I groaned. I rolled over and tried to at least take a nap but it wasn't working. A flutter of wings caught my attention and I opened my eyes. Cas sat down on the edge of my bed and handed me the grocery bag in his hand.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Some things that Dean said you would like." He told me.

I opened bag and saw many sweets inside with some pain killers, along with something else.

"A stuffed (Favorite animal)?" I asked.

"Dean said it was your favorite animal and I saw it at the store." He simply told me.

I nodded my head.

"You know what you should do?" I asked Cas.

He tilted his head to show he was listening.

"You should cuddle me and watch movies with me." I told him.

His face flushed pink at my words.

"Please." I begged.

He nodded, smiling lightly. He popped in my favorite movie and got me some water to take with the pain killers. Then we both cuddled up together watched some movies, me holding my stuffed animal.

"Thank you Cas." I smiled.


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