In love/Dean

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Dean has been on back to back hunts for 3 weeks. Now you finally convinced him to take a short break to spend some time with you. He was all the way in Maine so it's gonna take him a while to get to the bunker. It was around 3pm and you were at the grocery store, getting stuff for you to make dinner.

What you didn't notice was the 67 Chevy Impala rolling down the road past the grocery store.

"Hey wait, isn't that Y/N's car?" Sam pointed out.

Dean glanced over and saw you putting grocery's in the trunk and immediately pulled into the parking lot. You heard the screech of the tires and the rumble of the engine and turned to see the Impala pulling into the space beside your car. A grin spread across your face as Sam hopped out and wrapped you in a giant moose hug.

"Hi Sammy!" You grinned.

He set you down and you were almost instantly in the familiar arms of your lover.

"Hello to you too Dean." You laughed.

He set you down and cupped your face, kissing you gently on the lips. You kissed back almost instantly.

"I missed you." He told you.

"I missed you too, my loser." You grinned.

He rolled his eyes before looking at the grocery's you bought.

"Is this stuff for burgers? And Pie?!" He gasped.

"You two haven't had a home cooked meal for a while. I thought I could treat you boys." You smiled at them.

Dean looked down at you, a grin on your face as you looked up at him in admiration and love. And suddenly, something dawned on him. Something he never realized before.

Sam realized this was a moment for you two and climbed back into the Impala.

Suddenly, Dean wrapped his arms around you and spun you around.

"Whoa, What was this for?" You laughed.

"I just realized I'm in love with you and it feels amazing." Dean mumbled, staring down at you.

"What?" You asked.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too, loser." You smiled.

He grinned and leaned down to kiss you once again.

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