Read to me/Jack

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It was a bright and sunny Friday morning. The boys and I had agreed no hunts this weekend, to give ourselves a break from 4 back to back hunts. I woke up on this warm, bright day with a smile, sure that nothing could go wrong. I opened up the windows and played soft music as I sat on my bed, book in hand. Unlike the boys, who had barely put any decorations up in their room, my room was filled with posters on the wall and a pretty bedspread on my bed. I had two bookshelves filled with my favorite books.

The boy often found me like this on our days off, and I swear they love it every time. Jack was recently the one to find me most. He wanted to learn to read and I am the best thing to teach him. He could already read so much but he wanted to read the type of books I read. I am currently teaching him the supernatural series, just the embarrass the boys even though I am in it in some places. Chuck knew how much I loved the series so he sends me a new copy each year, just for the fun of it. Chuck just recently sent me a new copy of the past year.

So there I sat reading the new series about a recent hunt me and the boys went on. I was nearing the end and were disappointed but eager to know what happens. Jack turned the corner of my bedroom and saw me reading, a small smile coming across his features before he knocked on the wall, letting me know he was here. I slowly finished the paragraph while tilting my head up slightly. Jack chuckled at my actions before my eyes darted up to him.

"Hey." I smiled at him.

"Hi." He smiled back.

"You ready to learn to read again?" I sat up straighter.

"No, no I want to try something else." He smiled before crawling into bed with me, laying his head down in my lap.

"Read to me and maybe I'll pick up some things." He smiled up at me.

I laughed and shook my head but made no objections as I grabbed my book and began to read out loud. The part about the hunt finished and onto a conversation between Jack and the boys while I was in the shower. Jack forrowed his eyebrows as he didn't exactly remember this conversation.

"Jack nervously sat in front of the three men who were his father figures. He didn't know who to explain the feelings he was having for Y/N but needed to know what they were." Jack was suddenly sitting up as he remembered this conversation.

I jumped up as he tried to grab the book and continued reading. He chased after me as I walked down the hall, still reading.

"What am I feeling? Why does my stomach churn everytime I'm with her? Why does her smile make me smile? Why does my face heat up everytime she pretends we're a couple on hunts? Why do I think she's cute whenever I see her reading books and her expressions show what happening?" I stopped reading and spun around to face the Nephilim.

He sheepishly looked down and stuffed his hands in his jean's pockets.

"Jack? Do you really feel like this?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah I do. I planned on telling you eventually but I didn't know how." He said, still looking down at the ground.

"Jack look at me." I commanded as I stepped closer.

He made no move to do so.

"Jack..." I trailed off but he still didn't look at me.

So I tilted up his chin. His blue eyes met mine as his face flushed in embarrassment.

"What did the boys say you were feeling?" I asked.

"Love, they said I loved you and I told them that of course I did, I loved them too but they said it was different. And it is." He told me.

"How is it different?" I asked.

"Because I want to do things with you that I don't want to do with them." He whispered.

"Like?" I smirked.

"I-I want to do those couple things we see on those movies we watch together. I want to hold your hand and hug you and hold you close, I want to be with you. But most of all, I want to kiss you." His face was even reder in embarrassment.

"And What has stopped you?" I asked.

"What?" He asked in return.

"What has stopped you from doing all these things? Because I want them too." I smiled up at him.

"Can I-I?" He asked, glancing down towards my lips.

"Yes." I smiled.

He blushed even more and leaned down before your lips connected as one. The kiss was slow and gentle, as Jack has never kissed anyone before, but it was still amazing.

"Woo! Go Jack!" A shout came from the end of the hall.

We turned and saw the boys standing there, grins on all their faces. I blushed heavily and barried my face in Jack's shoulder, who chuckled at my actions and wrapped his arms around me.

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