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They say waking up next to your man is the most comforting thing in the world. However, I have to disagree. I forgot that DeMar was such an aggressive sleeper and would literally sprawl out across the entire bed. I woke up with his knee jabbed into my left bare breast and his arm stretched across my neck. I must have woken up to the idea of me not being able to breathe because I panicked when I woke up. My commotion didn't disturb his sleep though.

I stared at his innocent face as he slept and lightly traced his jaw with my finger. He didn't like it because he scrunched up his face and groaned. I smiled at his adorable reaction.

Stirring both of us out of our sleep was Arion barging into the door.

"Ella—" He screams but comes to an abrupt stop. His eyes then follow towards the side of my bed and notices DeMar. His eyes bulge out and he opens his mouth to tell the whole world that we're in bed together. "You're sleeping with DeMar!"

"Shhh," I yell back at him and clutch the blanket over my naked body. DeMar stirs and then finally flutters his eyes open. He moves closer to me and briefly stares at Arion and then groans. I pondered the question of why wasn't the door locked when I swore we locked it last night.

"Lower your damn voice, man, I'm tryna sleep," his husky voice warns.

"Reggie, look!" He grabs Reggie from the hallway and pulls him into the room. I couldn't decipher what Reggie was thinking when he saw us together—he looked pissed but also annoyed.

Reggie shakes his head, "You two better have used protection. We don't need another annoying ass person in this household." He slaps Arion head and then walks off.

Arion is astonished, "What? Why is it when she loses her virginity no one cares, but when I fuck three girls y'all freak out? This world is a trip, I don't know what's going on these days." He flails his hands in the air and then leaves the room.

DeMar looks at me confused and I chuckle, "Did you catch his words of Bobby Brown? Haha, that was funny."

DeMar shook his head. Maybe he didn't listen to New Edition and Bobby Brown as much as I have—and that wasn't frequent, but I knew their popular songs.

DeMar licks his lips and sits up, "How did he know you were a virgin?"

I furrow my eyebrows. I didn't understand why he asked that question. Arion found out I was a virgin when he told me all that stuff about having sex with Tara in the janitors closet.

"Ella, how did he know?" He repeats his question and this time with a deeper tone. His voice catches me out of my thoughts and he shakes his head.

"He found that out by himself," I say and he still doesn't understand. I find myself a long T-shirt on the floor and quickly put it on me not caring if he sees my body. "Him and I don't have anything going if that's what you think is happening. The only way to cope with things is to talk them out aloud with someone. He told me stuff about the incident, and I was telling him what he said when he was high. He made a sexual remark, and I didn't understand it, so he drew the conclusion that I was a virgin."

DeMar sighs and swallows. I watch how his Adam's apple moves up and down. He leans against my bed and stares at me and then chuckles. "Shit, I'm sorry, Ella."

I roll my eyes at my now pissed state. I hated talking with morning breath. Now that I had gotten disturbed and wasn't able to do my morning routine, set me at an uneasy edge. I walk over to my sink and brush my teeth. He throttles behind me and digs in a drawer to retrieve something. I don't remember seeing him put something of his in there.

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