Chapter 1

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Caleb's POV

It's weird, waking up for the fifth time in a new house. I'm not used to this place. I'm used to waking up to posters, like, posters of Johnny Cash, Post Malone, just artists that I'm into. But instead, the past few days I've been waking up to just an empty walled, blue room. My posters are still in a box that I have yet to unpack.

We just moved to Iowa. Today, I'm starting a new school, and I'm more nervous than I thought I would be. School hasn't been going on for that long, though, considering it's only the end of September. I only had a few friends back home in Georgia. I'm not really the type of guy that you would consider 'cool'. I'm hoping I can make at least one good friend at this new school.

"Caleb! Breakfast," I hear my mom calling from downstairs.

I get out of bed, and I take a shower before getting dressed. I dress in jeans, and a flannel shirt. I put on my boots and go out my bedroom door.

"Coming," I call out.

"Hurry or you're going to be late," she says when I reach the kitchen, "you don't want to be late on your first day at a new school."

"Yeah," I breathe out, nervously.


"Yeah, kinda," I say, knowing it's more than 'kinda'.

"I can tell," she gives me a small smile, "it'll be okay."

"Thanks," I say, taking a bite of eggs.

When I finish my breakfast, I brush my teeth and brush my hair, quickly. I check the time and see that it's 7:30. School starts in 15 minutes, and I don't even have my schedule. I quickly grab my backpack before saying goodbye to my mom and making my way to the school. It doesn't take long for me to get there. I arrive at the school at 7:35, hurrying in and making my way to the office. The lady at the desk doesn't say much to me, she only asks for my name and gives me my schedule, and then I'm walking down the hallways.

I find my locker, which is pretty easy, considering there is literally a sign that reads '11th Grade Hall', and seeing the lockers going down the hallway. I don't think the classrooms will be as easy to find. I walk up to my locker, reading the combination on a paper they gave to me, and eventually opening the locker. I open my backpack, and put the stuff inside as I hear a voice.

"Well, I know you're not from around here. I've never seen you before."

I turn around, and my blue eyes lock with a pair of green ones. They belong to a girl who has blonde hair just past her shoulders. She's wearing black skinny jeans, a t-shirt with, I'm guessing, a band that I've never heard of on it, and a pair of black converses, and she's chewing gum.

"Uh, yeah. I just moved here," I say, nervously.

"From the south. I hear your accent," she walks closer, and opens the locker that is beside of mine, taking out an English textbook.

"Yeah. Uh, Georgia," I look over at her.

Her eyes meet mine again, and she gives me a small smile, "You know where you're going, cowboy?"


"I'm playing," she gives me a look, shutting her locker, "here, let me see your schedule."

I hold it up, and she looks at it.

I laugh nervously, "I, uh, I have no idea where I'm going, to answer your question."

"You have English first, too," she smirks, "so just come with me."

She starts walking, and I follow her, and suddenly the bell rings. I let out a small gasp, "we're late."

She laughs, "Calm down, cowboy. We have until the second bell, which is in about five minutes."

"I'm Caleb, by the way," I tell her.

"Nice name," she continues walking.

"Well, aren't you going to tell me your name?" I ask, when we reach the classroom door.

She turns around and gives me another smile, "Maddie. My name is Maddie."

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