Chapter 2

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Caleb's POV

"Oh, cool," I say, awkwardly.

Wow, I'm so bad at talking to people.

"I guess," she laughs, "the teacher's name is Mrs. Baker, by the way."

"Oh," I glance down at my schedule, seeing the teacher's names beside each class, "thanks for telling me."

"Well, let's go in," she raises her eyebrows, and walks in.

I follow her in, and the teacher speaks, "Maddie, what have I told you about chewing gum in the classroom."

She stops and looks at her, before obnoxiously chewing her gum, causing some of the other students to laugh, "that I'm not supposed to chew it here, but it's my gum."

Mrs. Baker holds up the small trashcan beside of her desk, glaring at Maddie, "now."

Maddie sighs before going over and spitting out her gum. She then goes over and sits at an empty desk. I look around, trying to find an empty seat, only managing to find one next to Maddie. Maddie looks up at me, and nods her head to the seat next to her. I go over and sit, and look over at Maddie who is still looking at me.

She smirks, "are you afraid to sit next to me?"

"No," I furrow my eyebrows.

She looks at me for a few more moments, the smirk still across her face, and the teacher begins to speak.

"Well, it looks like we have a new student," she smiles at me, "would you like to tell the class a little bit about yourself?"

"Uh.. I," I stare at her.

"Stand up," she says, "come on."

I nervously stand up and look around. All the other students staring at me, "My name is Caleb and I just moved here from Georgia-"

"You come from a farm?" A boy in the class interrupts me, causing a few other kids to giggle.

"Uh," I look at him.

"Quiet down and let him talk," the teacher says, sternly, before looking back at me, "go ahead."

"Like I said, I came here from Georgia. And.. I don't really know what else to say. I like playing guitar."

Some of the kids laugh a little at that, leaving me confused. A boy with long hair in the very front of the class turns around in his seat, "I play guitar, too."

"Cool," I nod at him.

I look down at Maddie, who is scribbling on a piece of paper, not seeming to be paying attention to everything going on in the room.

"Well, welcome, Caleb. We are glad to have you in our class," Mrs. Baker says.

"Thanks," I say, just loud enough for her to hear before sitting back down.

Mrs. Baker brings me a textbook before walking back up to the front of the room. I look over at Maddie, as she stares towards the front of the room waiting for the lesson to begin. She is so pretty, and she has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. She taps my arm, and then points at the boy who told me he plays guitar, "That's Cade. He's a nice kid. I think you two could get along pretty well."

"Oh, cool," I say, before giving my attention to Mrs. Baker as the lesson begins.

When English class is over, I go back out into the hallway. I see Maddie at her locker, and I go over to mine, putting my English textbook in it. I feel a pat on my shoulder, and I turn around, seeing Cade, holding a history textbook in his arm.

"I'd love to get together and play our guitars sometime," he says.

"Yeah, that'd be cool," I say.

He nods with a smile before going down the hallway.

I look back at Maddie, who was watching us. I feel like maybe I've found a friend. I feel like Cade and I will be pretty good friends. Can I consider Maddie a friend? I mean, she's helping me find my classes, but something seems off.

"Let me see your schedule," she says. I show it to her, and she nods, "You have history next. I don't have that class with you, but the classroom is," she turns around and points, "at the very end of the hallway," she looks at me again, "right beside the break room."

"Okay, thanks," I say.

She only nods, grabbing her math textbook before shutting her locker walking the opposite direction. I then remember seeing that Cade had a history textbook, and I feel a little better knowing that he will be in there with me. I walk into the classroom, and look around. I see a pair of arms waving, and then see that Cade is trying to get my attention. I quickly go over and sit in the seat next to him.

There is a blonde girl sitting in the desk in front of him. She turns around, looking at him, "did you make a new friend?"

"Uh," he looks at me, smiles, and then gives her a nod, "yeah." She turns back around, and Cade leans over to me, "that's my girl. Gabby."

"Ah," I nod.

Later on when school is over, I get everything from my locker that I'll need for homework. While I'm zipping my backpack, Cade walks by, "See ya."

"Oh, bye," I say, glancing up at him.

I put my backpack over one of my shoulders, shutting my locker just as Maddie comes up. There is a girl with red hair with her. The red haired girl rambles, "but what could that mean? Do you think Michael likes me?"

"Probably," Maddie tells her, a hint of annoyance in her voice, "Catie, I love you, you are one of my best friends, but you need to calm down. Yes, he probably likes you or he wouldn't have asked you out on a date."

Catie breathes out, "Okay, I'm sorry for being annoying. I'm just kinda freaking out."

Maddie laughs, opening her locker and putting books into her backpack before looking over and noticing me, "Oh. Hi."

"Hey," I say, "I'll, uh, see you tomorrow I guess. Thanks for helping me today."

"No problem," she says, shutting her locker and walking the opposite direction with Catie.

Maddie seems like a nice person, but like I said, she seems kind of off. I decide not to think too much of it. I make my way out to my truck and drive home.

When I go inside, my mom smiles at me from the couch, "how was your first day, sweetheart?"

"It was better than I expected," I breathe out.

"That's great," she says.

"Yeah, I made a friend," I say, "his name is Cade. We're supposed to play guitar together, sometime."

"Oh, he plays too! That's cool," she nods.

"Yeah," I say.

"Meet any pretty girls?" She says in a joking tone.

And then I think of Maddie. I remember how beautiful she is, and I smile, "Yeah. I did."

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