Chapter 41

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Maddie's POV

Things have been super busy lately. Caleb and I have been planning our wedding, looking at houses, and getting everything ready for our wedding, which is next month. I hear Maylee come from her room just as I'm putting her breakfast on the table.

"Good morning, baby," I tell her.

"Good morning, mommy," she says, sleepily, "Ooooo, bacon." She puts a piece in her mouth and licks her lips when she swallows, "Mmm."

I laugh at her, "Is it good?"

"Delicious!" She giggles, "Aren't me, you, and daddy going to look at another house today?"

"Yup," I say, sitting at the table with her, "Are you excited?"

She nods, "I can't wait for you and daddy to be married next month! Is it a Christmas wedding?"

"Not quite," I smile at her, "A few days before Christmas."

She nods in response. When she's finished with her breakfast, she takes her glass and plate to the sink before going back to her room. She picks out her outfit and lays it on her bed before going into the bathroom. I help her wash her hair when she gets in the tub, and then she washes herself. She gets her clothes on, and I brush her hair for her. While I'm brushing her hair, I hear my phone go off. Caleb texted me, saying he'll be here in about five minutes.

"Who was that?" Maylee asks.

"Daddy. He'll be here in just a minute," I answer.

Before we go into the living room, she goes over to her nightstand and puts her little promise ring from Caleb on her ring finger of her left hand. I hear a knock on the door, and Maylee's eyes light up. They've always done that when Caleb was with us, even when she was a baby.

I open the door, and Caleb gives me a sweet kiss on the lips. Maylee runs over to him, after.

"Daddy!" She says.

"Hey, princess," he says, picking her up, "How's your day?"

"Good," she smiles, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

She nods and I grab my phone, putting my jacket on, "Maylee, go get your jacket."

Caleb sets her down, and she runs to her room. A moment later, she comes back out with her coat on. We get in Caleb's car, and he uses the GPS to find the house we saw online.

"Woah," Maylee says, when we get there, "I love it!"

We laugh and her, and Caleb looks at her through the rearview mirror, "We haven't even seen the inside yet, silly."

"I know! But it's pretty on the outside," she giggles.

We get out of the car, and the realtor meets us in the yard. The house comes with quite a bit of land. Maylee walks around the yard a little, with a smile on her face.

"Come on, cutie. We're going inside," Caleb calls out to her.

"Coming!" She runs over to us.

She giggles as she takes Caleb's hand. He smiles down at her, and then we go into the house.

"You know, there's lots of room for Maylee to play outside," he says.

"I know. I love it," I smile at him.

We go through the house, and I have to say that this is my favorite we have looked at so far. Eventually, we are shown the master bedroom.

"This is it! If we move here, this is my room!" Maylee squeals.

We laugh at her, and Caleb tickles her, "I don't think so, silly!" She laughs at him, and we are leaded into another bedroom. This room is empty, besides the two windows. Caleb looks down at her, "This would be your room."

"But it's empty!" She pouts.

"We'd fix it up for you," I tell her.

Caleb pulls me off so we can talk alone, "I really really like this house."

"Me too," I smile widely, "It's my favorite."

"Mine too," he smiles back, "So, this is the one?"

I nod, happily, "This is it."

"Well, let's go tell the realtor," he continues to smile.


Caleb's POV

We've closed on the house, and now it's officially ours. We also finished planning our wedding, so now the only thing we need to do is send out the invitations. I'm sitting with Maddie at her apartment, in the living room. I put all of the invitations into the envelopes, and Maddie writes the mailing addresses on them. Maylee is over at her friend's house that she met at school.

She places the stamp on one, and adds in to the pile of invitations, "Caleb?"

"Yeah?" I look over at her.

"I was thinking, and uh..." She looks down, then back up to me, "What if we invited Gabby?"

"I mean we could," I shrug, "Do you want to?"

"I can't stay mad at her forever," she laughs, "We were in high school, then. Maybe she's changed now."

She makes a couple phone calls and finds out Gabby's mailing address. As she's writing the address onto the envelope, I give her a kiss on her forehead, "I'll be back later."

"Where are you going?" She smiles at me.

"Over to the house for a bit," I tell her, "I love you."

"I love you," she says back.

After stopping at the paint store, I drive over to our house. I go into the empty bedroom that will soon belong to Maylee. I put the plastic down over the white carpet before opening the can of paint. I dip the roller into the light purple paint before painting over the white walls. Light purple is Maylee's favorite color, so that's what color her room will be.


A couple days later, the furniture I bought for her room has come. Dad said I can borrow his truck to take it over to the house from my apartment. When he comes over, we put the furniture in the back of the truck and he drives us over to the house.

My dad helps me get all of the furniture in place, and I smile when I look at her room that is now finished. The walls are light purple, there are white curtains over the windows, and there's a white twin-sized bed with gray and light purple chevron pillowcases and gray and a light purple comforter. There's a gray ceiling fan on the white ceiling, two gray dressers, and a gray bookshelf. I also bought her a gray storage thing that she can keep her toys in. There's a white and gray round rug in the middle of the floor, and above her bed there is a rectangle plaque that my dad made for her. It's gray, and in white letters says 'Maylee Rose'.

"Thanks for helping, dad," I say.

"It looks great," he smiles, "She's going to love it."

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