Chapter 45 - Final Chapter

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(A/N: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read this story! I appreciate all of your votes and comments. I have ten chapters already written of the new hutchpoppe fanfic I'm writing and I'll post the first chapter tomorrow! I'll also post here when it's uploaded. Again, thank you so much for reading!)

8 Years Later

Caleb's POV

"Do you really think she's ready?" Maddie asks, looking in the mirror and putting on mascara.

"I think so, babe," I tell her, "She's 13. I trust her."

"I trust her, too. It's just," she shrugs, putting the mascara down and grabbing her lip gloss, "I don't know. I'm just worried I guess."

"I think she's capable of watching her little brother for us," I go over to her, and look at her through the mirror, putting a hand on her waist.

She smiles after she has her lip gloss on, and gives a small nod, "Okay. I'm ready."

I'm taking Maddie on a date tonight, considering we haven't been on one in a while. We are giving Maylee the responsibility of watching her seven year old brother, Nash. He'll be eight in a couple months, though. Maddie goes downstairs and I follow her. I smile when I see Maylee and Nash cuddling on the couch and watching a movie. Nash laughs at the TV and Maylee smiles down at him, lovingly.

She looks up and sees Maddie and I watching her, "Oh, hi," she laughs.

"Come here, love bugs," Maddie says. Our two kids go over and give her a hug, and Maddie smiles, "We'll be back in a little over an hour, okay?"

They nod and tell us that they love us, and Maddie tells Maylee to call if they need anything. I love watching her with them. She is such an amazing mom.

Maddie and I arrive at the restaurant and find our seats, and she smiles when she realizes where we are.

"This exact table," she smiles, "This where you proposed to me."

"Yup," I smile back at her.

We finish our dinner, and I had a plan to take her somewhere else, but she missed the kids too much. We get back home, and there are two cars in the driveway.

"Catie and Cade's cars," Maddie says, confused.

"Hmm," I say, my eyebrows furrowed as I pull into the driveway.

We go up the steps and I unlock the door, and we go in to see Maylee and Nash still cuddling on the couch. Cade and Gabby's 5 year old daughter, Cassie, is sitting beside of Maylee. Beside of Nash, is Michael and Catie's 4 year old son, Ian. Cade, Gabby, Michael, and Catie are sitting in the floor and everyone is eating popcorn.

Maddie and I laugh at the sight, and Catie looks up at us, "I brought popcorn!"

Maddie and I change quickly before going downstairs to join them. Catie brings us a bowl a popcorn and we watch the movie together.

"You didn't miss anything!" Cassie giggles.

And she was right, the movie had just started.

That night we decided to all have a 'sleepover'. Maylee and Nash had fell asleep on the couch. Cassie and Ian had brought their sleeping bags and slept in front of the couch. They obviously had the plan to sleep over, but Maddie and I didn't mind. Cade and Gabby were leaning against one of the chairs, Cade's arm tightly wrapped around Gabby as Gabby's head remained on his chest. Michael was flat on his back on the floor, and Catie was beside of him on her side. Maddie and I were in one of the chairs with a blanket over us.

But when I woke up in the middle of the night, I noticed that Maddie wasn't beside of me anymore.

I quietly get up, and I find her on the back porch. She was standing at the railing and looking up at the night sky, sipping a glass of water. Her hair blowing in the soft breeze.

I go over and stand beside of her, "You okay?"

"Yeah," she smiles, continuing to look at the sky, "I was just thinking."

"About what?" I return the smile.

"My life. My whole life," she lets out a laugh, "I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't moved to Iowa at that time."

"I'm glad I did," I tell her, "I met the absolute love of my life." I take her hand, and lead us over to one of the chairs on the porch. I sit down and pull her onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her. She leans her back into me, and I kiss her temple.

"I'm glad you did, too," she says, "You were just like an angel. You came into my life right when I needed you to. My teen years were some of the absolute worst years of my life, but you and Maylee made it all better."

"It was just the start of our story," I smile at her.

She smiles back, and puts her hand over mine, intertwining our fingers, "Except when we got together, it was the start of a new story. Now, here we are. Married with the two best kids in the whole world."

"We made the story all our own," I say, "I bet we blew Shakespeare's mind." She laughs when I say that, then gives me a kiss on my cheek. I look her in the eyes, "I'm extremely grateful that I was a part of your old story, though. I know it was hard for you at that time, but you are so strong. The strongest lady I've ever met."

"What a story it's been," she looks back up at the sky, "My own story full of hearts and rockets."

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