Chapter 14

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Caleb's POV

So, we get back in her car, and drive thirty minutes to the Culver's in Cedar Falls. After we get our food, we go over and sit at a table to eat.

"I'm glad it's finally October," she smiles.

"You like fall?"

"Love it," she nods.

"When is your next appointment, again?" I ask.

"Next week, on Friday. 4:00, so we don't have to miss school again. I won't have to hide it from my parents because I'm thinking of telling them when I get home."

"I'll go with you if you want. And I will be with you when you tell your parents," I tell her.

"I'm a little nervous," she sips her drink, "about telling them. Not about having a baby. They will ask who's it is, and what will I say?"

"The truth?" I take a bite of my sandwich.

"Yeah. And then they'll be all over his ass. And then get the police involved. And then Ashley will find out, and then I'll be screwed."

"I am not going to let her do anything to you," I tell her.

"There's not really anything you can do to stop her," she says.

"She has no right to do anything. All of this is none of her business."
"It's just a mess," she puts her hands over her face.

"Everything will be fine. You will have so much support," I say.

After we eat, we go back to her house. Once we get to her driveway, I see other cars here.

"They're home," Maddie says, lowly.

"It's okay," I tell her.

"Well, let's go," she sighs, taking her key out of the ignition.

I get out, closing the passenger door. I walk behind her as she goes up the front steps. She opens the door and we go in.

"I'm home," Maddie calls out.

Her mom comes from upstairs, smiling at us, "Oh, hi, Caleb."

"Hey, Mrs. Poppe, how are you?" I ask her.

"I'm good, and you?"

"I'm alright," I smile.

"How was your day?" She comes over, giving Maddie a kiss on the forehead.

"Uh, it was, uh.. fine," Maddie says.

"Is everything okay?" Her mom gives her a concerned look.

"I- I really need to talk to you and dad," Maddie goes over and sits on the couch, and I join her.

I can't even imagine how Maddie feels. All of this being thrown on her, and she's only 16. But she is strong and I know that she will get through this, and I will be here for her.

"Trent? Can you come in here please?" Tonya calls out.

Maddie lets out a nervous breath, and I reach over and take her hand, giving it a little squeeze. Trent comes in a moment later, a confused expression on his face, and he goes over and sits in the chair across from us.

"What's going on?" Trent asks.

Maddie's eyes start watering, "I have no idea how you guys are going to react."

"Tell us," Tonya says, softly, "you can tell us anything."

I see her swallow hard, and she squeezes my hand as tears go down her face, "I-I'm.. I'm having a baby."

Trent stands up quickly, a stern look on his face, "Why do you do this? You know better!"

"I didn't- I didn't," Maddie can't speak.

"Madeline Mae Poppe," Tonya says, disappointment in her voice.

"Mom, I didn't do anything!" Maddie cries.

"Mr. and Mrs. Poppe," I start, "Maddie really did nothing."

"What?!" Tonya puts her hands up.

"I-I-It was forced," Maddie cries harder, "I never wanted any of this."

"Oh, honey," Tonya says in a calm tone, going over and sitting beside of her daughter, resting her hands on her shoulders, "I'm so so sorry, baby."

"Who," Trent says in a deep tone, "who the hell did this to you?" Maddie shakes her head, still sobbing. Trent comes over, "who?!"


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