Chapter 10

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Caleb's POV

And our project is officially done. We even presented our projects, today.

Maddie couldn't seem to speak, though. We were going to alternate with who said what, but I pretty much did most of the talking. She kept rubbing her hands, and her breathing seemed a little uneven. She has been fidgety all day. I wonder what's wrong now?

When I go towards my locker, she gets her textbook for her next class out, but drops it while pulling it out.

"God," her hand goes to her head, and then she reaches down, picking the book up.

"Maddie?" I say, concerned.

"I-I-I'm fine," she stutters.

She reaches forward and closes her locker, hand shaking. I stare at her, "You don't seem fine."

"Just stop!" She snaps. I look down at the floor and she sighs, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I say.

"No, it's not. You've been nothing but a good friend to me. I'm really sorry that I snapped at you."

"It's okay, I mean it. I'm not gonna force you to talk to me, but remember I'm here for you," I say.

"Thanks," she says, lowly, before walking away.

Has something else happened? Or is she upset again about recent events? I have never seen her this way, though. I am now worried about her again.

I don't talk to her again for the rest of the day, that is until she calls me that evening.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Caleb," she says, in almost a whisper, "would you come over, please?"

"I'm on my way," I tell her, without any hesitation.

I quickly get in my truck, and drive over to her house, once again to an empty driveway, except for her car. I run up her front steps, and knock on her door. I hear her coming down the stairs, and then the door opens, and I can tell that she's been crying again.

"Maddie? What's going on?" I ask.

"I just really need a friend right now," she says.

"Of course," I tell her.

She motions her head for me to follow her, and then I follow her up the stairs. She lays down on her bed, and I sit on the edge. She stares at the ceiling, "this is where it happened."

"Where it happened?"

"Where Jake... you know," she sniffs, "another reason why I want to change my walls. Maybe it'll feel like a different place. That sounds stupid, though, doesn't it?"

"No," I tell her, "do whatever would help you."

"I feel like I'm never going to feel okay with myself again," she continues looking at the ceiling, "I feel like I'm going to be stuck like this."

"I know it feels that way. It will get better, Maddie. I don't know how long it will take, but I am going to be here for you, no matter how long it takes."

"I sure hope so," she says, "God, Caleb, this is so difficult."


"I'm scared to say it. Caleb, I'm so scared. I'm terrified," she starts to cry.

"Say what?" I turn a little more, staring at her, my heart beating out of my chest.

"I'm scared you'll leave. I can't lose you, Caleb. No one knows me the way you do. And I can't do this alone."

"Maddie, tell me. Whatever it is, I will never look at you differently. Nothing you tell me will make me leave you. Nothing will ever make me leave you."

She sits up and wipes her eyes, shaking her head a little, "I don't know how to say it."

She puts a hand over her mouth, and I move a little closer to her, "Take your time. I'm always going to be here for you."

She stares at me, a worried expression on her face, the sadness still in her eyes. She swallows hard and let's out a breath before saying the last thing I expected.

"Caleb, I'm pregnant."

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