Chapter 25

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(A/N: Sorry again for the late updates. I have not had any motivation to rewrite them, but you won't have to wait so long for an update again! Sorry this is short :/ I will update again tomorrow!)

Caleb's POV

I hear my phone go off, and I see that Cade has texted me. I open the message, and read that there's going to be a New Years party at Michael's house on Wednesday. Before I respond, I call Maddie.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey," I smile at the sound of her voice, "Did you hear about the party on Wednesday?"

"Michael's? Yes I did," she answers, "Are you going?"

"Are you?"

"I think I will," she says.

"Then I will, too. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. My back just kinda hurts," she answers.

"Can I come over?" I ask.

"Of course you can. Anytime."

"I'll be right there."

I decide to walk instead of drive. After getting my coat on, I step outside and feel the cold air hit my face. As I'm getting closer to Maddie's house, I see a truck in the driveway. I pass it and make my way up the front steps. Maddie answers the door, and gives a confused look towards the truck, but then her eyes meet mine again.

I put my hands on her waist, and lean in, giving her a passionate kiss. She smiles when I pull away, and I smile back. A moment later, we find out that the truck was bring the changing table that I bought for Maddie's baby. When the delivery guy brings the box up, I tell him that I can bring it inside. After he leaves, I take it upstairs to Maddie's room, and she follows me.

"She's going to have to share a room with me, because we don't have anymore bedrooms," she laughs, "but that's okay."

"She is lucky to have you for a mother," I tell her, and she smiles in response. I glance around, "Your room looks really different, now that it's yellow."

"I know," she laughs, "Thank you again for painting it for me. You really didn't have to."

"I wanted to," I smile, "I love you."

"I know you do. I love you," she responds, "I slept in Hannah's room for a couple days after it was painted, since I'm not supposed to be around fresh paint or anything."

"Good," I nod. I look over and see another big box in the floor, "Crib?"

"Yup," she smiles and points, "and my dad made that little dresser, for her clothes and other things."

"It's really nice," I tell her.

"I love it," she says, "I really can't wait for her to get here."

She walks over and lays on the bed, and I go over and lay beside her. She lays her head on my chest and I hold her close to me, "Me either."

"She's going to be really lucky to have you in her life," she looks up at me.

"I'll always be here for her. For both of you," I kiss her forehead.

"You are too good to me."

"You deserve only love and happiness. I want to give that to you, always. Hey, could I do something?"


"Can I put the crib and table together for you?" I ask.

She sits up a little, "Huh?"

"I want to put them together for you," I smile.

She smiles back, "My dad was going to."

"I'll do it," I tell her, "let me go home real quick and get my dad's tools."

"I love you, Caleb."

"I love you, beautiful."

When I get home, I go to the garage and get some of my dad's tools, and then go back to Maddie's house. I then notice a car in the driveway, seeing that someone is here. It takes me a moment, but then I realize who is here.


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