Chapter 32

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(A/N: Okay, so I'm not going to be writing a sequel to this story, but I'll make this story longer than I expected. Also, I'm already writing a new hutchpoppe fanfic that I'll post after this one. I am also writing a short story of hutchpoppe for Christmas! I'll let you know when that's up!)

Maddie's POV

"It just sucks having to study so much," I tell Catie.

"Yeah, I bet," she says, "But at least you'll get to leave early."

"Yeah, I guess," I shrug.

Everyone else at school will be doing review for the next two weeks, while I have to study everything at home to take the final exams at the end of April, which is this week, since my doctor wants me to be home two weeks before my due date, and school is over the week after, anyways. The good thing is that I can come in any time of the day to take them, and I can go home right after.

"So what else does she need?" Catie asks as we walk into the store.

I sigh, "Really, the only thing else she needs is more clothes."


While we are in the middle of the baby clothes section, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and see a text from Caleb.

'How is her name spelled?'

I read the text with a confused expression before responding, 'Maylee'.

After we finish getting her clothes, I put them in the back seat of Catie's car, and Catie drives to the doctor's office.

"I finally get to go with you!" She says.

I laugh, "Yeah."

The doctor tells me that everything looks great and that I'm already dilated one centimeter, so she could come early. And of course, Catie was excited to see her.

Catie drives me home, and helps me get all of Maylee's clothes into the dressers. After she leaves, I hang a few more decorations that Piper and William bought. I step back, and smile at how great the nursery looks.

The next day, Sunday evening, I sit on the couch, reading the book that Caleb bought me all those months ago. I hear someone at the door, so I lay the book down on the couch, and go answer the door to Caleb, who is holding something, quite large, with a cloth over it.

"Hi," I smile, eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey," he smiles back, "Can I take this upstairs?"


I follow him up the stairs, and watch him take, whatever it is, into Maylee's room. He sets it up against the wall, "My dad and I did a little something."

I cross my arms, a smile spreads across my face as I tilt my head to the side, "What'd you do?"

He pulls the cloth off, that reveals a large, gray, oval shaped plaque, with pink wooden letters that read 'Maylee'.

"Do you like it?" He grins.

"I love it.. I love you," I go over and give him a kiss, "Thank you so much."

"Where do you want it?"

"How about there?" I point to the wall above her crib.

After he hangs it up, we go into my room and Caleb helps me study with flash cards. By the time we're done, I feel like I'm ready for the tests this week. We go downstairs, and Caleb goes into the kitchen and makes us some popcorn while I put a movie in. He brings it to where I'm sitting on the couch, sitting beside of me.

"You've been reading the book," he smiles at the book I had laid on the couch.

"Oh, yeah," I smile at him.

The movie starts, and I lean into him as I feel his arm go around me.

"So you went to the doctor, right? Everything is good?" He asks.

"Everything is perfect," I smile up at him, "She might come early."

"That'd be great. I can't wait to meet her."

"Me either," I say, "But I'm scared."

"It'll be okay," he reassures me.

"I hate hospitals," I laugh.

"Me too," he laughs with me, "but your mom is going to be with you, right?"

"Yup," I nod.

After the movie, Caleb decides to go home, so I walk with him to the door.

"What time will you be at school tomorrow?" He asks.

"I'm gonna sleep in," I laugh, "Maybe around twelve."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," He leans forward and gives me a kiss that lasts for a few seconds, "Goodnight, beautiful."

I feel my face heat up, "Goodnight. I love you."

"Let me know if you need anything. I love you, more."

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