Chapter 23

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Maddie's POV

Now that I know the gender, Catie insisted that we go to the baby store and start the baby shopping, already. I told her that there was plenty of time, but she is not a very patient girl. My mom was going to come with us, but was unable to come.

So it will be me, Catie, Gabby, and Piper.

I'm thankful that Piper is coming, because I know that she will be a big help. Gabby is driving Catie and I, and Piper will meet us at the store. Once we pull into the parking lot, I see Piper standing in front of the store with a paper.

When we go into the store, Piper shows me the paper that was in her hand, which happened to be a list of things that the baby will need. She says that besides a crib, she will need a changing table and a diaper bag. And she named other things as well, and it seemed like the list could go on forever. I have a lot of money already saved up from work, and my parents and even Hannah gave me some money to help.

The first thing I go over to is the cribs. I look around for a little bit, trying to find one that I like. The others look with me. While we're looking, Catie speaks up, "Do you want a pink one?"

"Mmm, no," I tell her, "I was thinking gray."

And that moment, I spotted one. It wasn't dark gray, but it wasn't light, but I like it a lot. I look at the price tag, and see that it is $150. After I pay for it, they tell me they will bring it to my house in a week. Then we continue through the store.

Piper and my friends insist that they also buy something for the baby. I tried to tell them that I had it, but they soon left me wandering through the store on my own. I smile to myself, shaking my head.

I go over and grab a shopping cart. I don't plan on getting a lot of stuff, I still have time to get everything. I go ahead and find a diaper bag, and decide I will just get the changing table later on. As I'm walking through the store, I get a lot of looks from the other people there. There eyes darting back and forth from my face to my tummy, but I am getting used to it by now.

"Maddie!" I hear Catie.

I turn around and look at her as she comes over to me, smiling. She has already paid for whatever she bought, considering she is carrying a couple shopping bags.

"Hi," I smile at her, "where are the others?"

"They're paying," she says, "I only bought, like, 9 things."

"Catie!" I laugh, "you really did not have to."

"They're buying more than I did!" She laughs with me, "Ooo, that's a cute bag!"

"Yeah, I guess," I say, "It's literally all I've got so far. I don't know what to get."

"Well, look at what I bought real quick," she says, "so you don't get the same thing."

After she shows me, I found out that she bought three pajama sets, four outfits, two stuffed toys, and a pack of socks.

"Thank you," I hug her, "you really didn't have to."

"I wanted to! I am going to spoil her, you know!" She giggles.

Eventually, I have some more things bought. I also bought a few outfits, and I bought the basic things that the baby will need as well. When everything is bought, Gabby pushes the shopping cart for me, as they all put what they bought in the cart, too.

When we step outside of the store, I feel an arm on my shoulder. I look over and see Piper.

She smiles warmly at me, "Maddie, can I talk to you alone?"

"I'll be there in a minute!" I call out to my friends before returning my attention to Piper, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes," she nods, "I just wanted to say, I'm sorry about Jake and how his family is acting. He is just childish and does not deserve to be in your baby's life, anyways."

"Don't be sorry, Piper. None of it is your fault. I'm just grateful that I have all of this support from you, your husband, Caleb, my friends, family... Really, I have so much support and I could not be more grateful."

She takes both of my hands in hers, "You will always have us, sweetheart. Caleb didn't come with us because he didn't want it to be awkward."

I laugh, "He's so cute."

My face reddens when I realize what I just said to his mom. Geez. She gives my hands a little squeeze, "He loves you. He told me he does."

"I know he does," I smile, "I love him, too."

"I know," she nods, "I can tell. You two love each other so much."

"I told him I didn't know if I could focus on the baby and a serious relationship at the same time."

"Just do what you think is right, sweetheart. Caleb will always wait for you."

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