Chapter 8

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Caleb's POV

Everyday, I get more and more concerned about Maddie. I know Catie knows something, but I don't ask, and I respect Catie. I don't know exactly what happened yesterday, only that Jake was the reason for Maddie being so upset. I feel like there's something more, though. I only wish I could help Maddie. Another thought that keeps crossing my mind is those 'cat scratches'. I hope that's all they are, but I have a bad feeling.

It's halfway through the day, and Maddie hasn't even spoke to me. We're in the cafeteria, and I'm sitting with Catie, Gabby, Cade, and Michael. They attempted to get Maddie to come sit with us, but she refuses. She's off sitting at a table by herself.

"It's not good, guys," Gabby says, looking over at Maddie, worry in her eyes.

"I know," Catie says, "she won't even talk to me."

I can't even eat my lunch. I'm extremely worried about her. I know Catie told me to give her space, but I can't stand to see her like this anymore. I stand up, picking my tray up from the table.

Gabby looks up at me, "what are you doing?"

"Caleb?" Catie panics.

I don't say anything. I go over and set my tray down right beside Maddie's, before sitting in the seat beside of hers.


"That's my name," she mumbles, using her fork to move her food around her tray. I can tell that she hasn't even taken one bite. She won't even look at me.

"It's not my place. I know it's not my place. But I am so confused about everything going on. I am so worried about you," I say, "I want you to know that I'm here. I don't know what you're going through but I can tell there's something. I don't want you to feel alone. I am always, always, here for you."

She wipes her eyes with her sleeve, and I notice small red dots on the sleeve of her light orange long sleeved shirt. I hear a breath escape her lips, and she swallows, still avoiding eye contact, "thank you, Caleb, but..."


"I.. I can't do this," she shakes her head, standing up and taking her tray to the trash can.

She pushes the cafeteria door open and starts up the hallway, and this time I follow her.

"Maddie? Maddie!" I call down the empty hallway.

"Stop following me, Caleb," I can tell she's crying.

Defeated, I decide to respect her. I sigh, going back to the cafeteria. I get my tray, and bring it back to the table that my friends are sitting at.

"What happened?" Gabby asks.

I sigh, shaking my head at her, "I don't know."

I quickly eat my lunch. By the time I'm finished, there is still almost fifteen minutes of lunch time left. So, I throw my tray away, and go look for Maddie. I don't know if it's wrong of me or not, but I am so concerned about her. I turn the corner, and I am now back in the 11th grade hall, and I see Jake and Ashley, his hands on her waist, and they're kissing. Man, I should have known.

Is this why Catie wanted Maddie away from Ashley? Maybe she took Jake from her? I try to put the pieces together. Wait, Maddie came this way. Where is she? I fake cough, to get their attention.

"What do you want, cowboy?" Jake asks, harshly, and Ashley rolls her eyes at me.

"Have y'all seen Maddie?"

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