Chapter 31

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Maddie's POV

I sigh, turning around, "Why do you care?"

"Stay away, Jake," Caleb warns.

He opens his mouth to speak, but someone interrupts him. A familiar voice that I hadn't heard in a while.

"If you don't leave her alone, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Jake turns around to look at her, and I smile at one of my best friends, Jurnee. Jake sighs before passing me and going out the front door. I go over to Jurnee, and Caleb follows.

"Caleb, this is one of my best friends, Jurnee."

"Nice to meet you," he tells her.

"I've heard quite a bit about you," she smiles at him, and I feel my face heat up.

"Thanks for uh, just now," I tell her.

"No problem," she tells me, "perks of having my dad own this place."

"It's really nice here," Caleb says.

"Thanks!" Her smile brightens at him.

"We miss you in Clarksville," I pout.

"I miss it there," she frowns, "but I love it here, too!"

"I bet," I say, looking around.

"How's lil girl?" She asks.

"She's great," I smile widely, "M-" I cut myself off before I accidentally give away her name.

"What's that?"

"Nothing," I say a little too quickly.

"Okay?" She laughs.

After talking to Jurnee for a while, Caleb and I walk around the little town, doing whatever. Thankfully, I haven't seen Jake again. Eventually, my feet start to hurt, so we go back to the resort: Caleb carrying me. He gently puts me on the bed, and I sit up to take my shoes off. I lean my back against the headboard, and he does the same beside of me.

"I'm sorry about Jake," he says.

"Don't be," I tell him, "You didn't know he was gonna be here."

"What were you gonna say earlier?" He laughs a little.


"You started to say something earlier when we were talking to Jurnee. What was it?" He grins.

"Oh," I look ahead, "I'm not saying."

"Come on," he whines, "You can tell me."

I giggle, "I almost gave away her name."

His mouth opens a little, "Oh yeah, not long ago you wouldn't tell me."

"I know," I smile at him.

"Well, can you tell me now?"

"Nope," I say.


"Caleb, no!" I giggle again.

"I know it starts with an 'm'."

"Yup," I smile.

"Hmm," he thinks.

"You'll never guess it," I tell him, "It's too unique."

"Really? Well, what's her middle name?"

I squint my eyes at him, "I guess I can tell you that. Rose."

"Hmm," he thinks again.

"Good luck," I laugh at him. He's adorable.

"Just tell me! I'm impatient. I won't tell anyone!"




"Please," he folds his hands and closes his eyes.

"Fine!" I laugh, shaking my head, "Her name is..."

(A/N: Any guesses? :P Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate it!)

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