1 | part time work

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you are currently working at a coffee shop as a part time worker because you're on summer break. plus, you wanted some experience. your shift ends at 9pm.

you are preparing to close the shop with your best friend, Taehee.

"school starts tomorrow" Taehee sighs.

"senior year?"

"yup. it's gonna be tiring"

"i know. i'll see you tomorrow"

"bye hun"

you locked the door, kept the key in your bag and pull out your airpods and plug it into your ears and turn the music loud enough so you don't have to hear the outside world.

you waited for the bus at the bus stop. you were about to get in when you bumped into a guy. you looked at him as he says sorry. you then ignore it and got onto the bus and found a seat. it took quite awhile for the bus to reach your neighbourhood.

as it reaches the stop, you got off, walked a block till you reach your house. you unlocked the gate, took your shoes off, put it on the shoe rack and head inside.

"mom, dad, i'm home" you say as they smile.

"did you have dinner yet?" your mom asks.

"i already had it at the coffee shop. don't worry mom"

"tomorrow's your first day of school right? go ahead and rest" your dad says as you excuse yourself from them.

as you got into your room, you took your airpods out about to put them back into the case, but they were gone. you try to remember where you kept it and remember you held it in your hand. it might've happened when you bumped into the guy at the bus stop.

"ugh. i'll go find it tomorrow at the bus stop" you facepalm yourself.

you took a hot shower and head to sleep.


you woke up early since it's your first day of your senior year. you went for a hot shower and got dressed into your uniform.

you then came down to see Taehee waiting for you in the living room.

"what took you so long?" she pouts.

"nah. you're just early" you smile.

"girls, have breakfast before you go" your mom says as you head to the dining room.

"your mom makes the best food"

"i know"

after having breakfast, you head to school with Taehee.

"yah, can i borrow your earphones?" you nudge Taehee.

"sure. what happened to yours?"

"i lost the case"

"what the-"

"i know right"

she handed you her earphones as you plug it into your phone and into your ears.

you checked the list for your class number at the bulletin board and head to class.

"i wanna sit at the back" you say as Taehee nods.

you chose your seat and waited for the teacher to come.

as it was class time, you took the earphones off and waited for the people to introduce themselves. there sure are many exchange students.

after the introducing session is over, you pulled out your notebook and started taking notes about the lecture.

soon, it was break time. you then plug the earphones into your ears again when some random guy tapped your shoulder. you took one earphone off to hear what he's about to say.

"i guess you're Kim Hana?" he asks.

"yeah that's me and who are you?"

"I'm Jung Jaehyun. i came to return your airpods case since you dropped them at the bus stop yesterday"

he handed the case to you, "you can go back now" you say taking the case.

"you can't say thank you?"

"the word 'thank you' doesn't exist in my dictionary" you say.

"i'm so sorry. this is her attitude. let me say thank you in behalf of her" Taehee says.

"it's okay" Jaehyun smiles.

a girl then came and lock her arms with Jaehyun's.

"what are you doing in this seat? your seat's over there" she says.

"i came to return her airpods case" Jaehyun explains.

"no one's flirting with you right?"


you then got up from your seat, about to walk out from the class when you notice the girl who's locking her arms with Jaehyun.

"oh? Kim Hana? you became a lot prettier than before" she smirks.

"and you look uglier than before. did you fail plastic surgery?" you ask.

she was about to slap you when Jaehyun holds onto her.

"why are you guys fighting?" Taehee asks.

"you wonder who bullied me when i was younger right?" you ask. "it's this bitch. i was so scared of her back then, but not anymore. i'm not allowing you to bully me anymore"

"we'll see about that" she smirks before dragging Jaehyun away.

"are you okay?" Taehee asks.

"of course i am. i'm perfectly fine" you smile.

[re-writing] earphones/airpods | Jung Jaehyun [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now