7 ∣ truth revealed

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Jaehyun dragged you from Taehee and Donghyuck. well, this guy keeps dragging you everywhere.

"why are you so curious about me?" you ask.

"i-i just" Jaehyun stutters.

"ask away"

"can i possibly see your arm please?"

you hesitate for awhile thinking why would he want to see your arms, but you really want him to stop bothering you, so you handed him both of your arms.

he holds your left arm carefully and pull your sweaters up.

"i'm sorry, but let me take a closer look please?" he ask as you sigh and nod.

he was scanning your scars, then look straight into your eyes.

"can you tell me the whole story about what happened please?" Jaehyun plead.

"are you sure? i don't think you'll believe me"


when you were about to tell him the whole story, Donghyuck appeared from nowhere. he hands his phone to Jaehyun.

"i don't think you'll believe her. just watch this instead" Donghyuck says.

Jaehyun carefully watched the video looking so shocked. you pulled Donghyuck closer, "what did you let him watch?"

"the part where Sooah gave you the scar"

after finishing the video, Jaehyun gives Donghyuck back his phone, looking so shocked his legs are wobbly. you quickly catch onto him.

"are you okay?" you ask.

"i-i can't believe it. i can't believe she's that type of person" Jaehyun says, sounding kind of mad and upset.

"now, do you believe me?" you ask.

"yes i do. i'm so so sorry about the things i did before" Jaehyun apologize as you smile.

"since you already know what happened, i'm gonna get to work"


"what is it?"

"i owe you something. can you take a day off your work?"


"you can go with him. i'll fill in your work. and if someone dares to bully you, give me a call okay?" Donghyuck says.

"okay. thanks a lot buddy" you smile. "bye bye"

you were walking along the streets with Jaehyun when again you saw Sooah. why does she keep appearing whenever i'm with Jaehyun. ugh.

just when Sooah was about to hit you, Jaehyun quickly stands in front of you, trying to protect you.

"what are you doing?!" Sooah yells attracting attentions of people nearby.

"can you stop please? what did she ever do to you to make you bully her this much?" Jaehyun questions.

"ever since i know her, she stole my spotlight. you know how much that means to me"

"that doesn't mean you can bully her"

"no one can take away the spotlight from me. NO ONE. i will do anything to keep my spotlight"

"i really cannot stand you anymore. i don't know what so important about your stupid spotlight thing. you're being too selfish. let's-"

"Jaehyun NO!"

"let's break up. when we first started dating you, i thought you were just a kind, innocent and respectful girl. now, i really don't know what i feel about you anymore. let's end things here" Jaehyun says, dragging you away.

you waited for the both of you to walk quite for from Sooah until you decide to ask him a question, "are you okay?"

"yes i'm fine"

"are you sure?"

"of course. i'm so sorry about the things i've done before"

"it's fine. anyways where are we going?"

"wait. uhm. i have another question. what about your sister's incident?"

"i don't have evidence about that yet because i haven't copied it from the school's cctv"

"can we go to your old school right now?"

"i don't know if the school's still open, but let's check it out"

you two walked to the bus stop, waited for the bus to come. Jaehyun moves to sit closer to you, "can you use the airpods i gave you?"

"no. not yet"

"why not?"

"no reason"

"use it please. you only have one side now"

"it's okay. one side works okay too"


"okay then" you say, making Jaehyun smile.

not long, the bus arrives. you were about to pick a one seat chair, but Jaehyun pulls you to sit next to him.

"why?" you ask.

"no reason" he grins.

after 3 stops, you got off, walked a few blocks until it reaches your old school. fortunately, they were still working.

you quickly went to the teacher's room, knock on it and head in.

"oh my god! Hana! it's very nice to see you again" your old homeroom teacher says, hugging you tightly.

"how are you doing teacher?" you ask, releasing from the hug.

"i'm doing fine. what about you? what brings you here?"

"ah- is it alright if i could ask for cctv during that incident?"

"you mean your sister's incident?"


"what's the matter? did Sooah continue to bully you?"

"y-yes. a bit"

"wait a minute. let me check it"

you waited for the teacher to check into her documents. Jaehyun was also patiently waiting beside you.

"i found it" the teacher says. she slowly clicks on the video. you gesture Jaehyun to go closer to watch it.

he was so shocked he couldn't say a word. you checked his reaction to make sure he's okay.

"may i have a copy of this please?" he asks, making you surprised. he hands the teacher a USB. the teacher didn't question anything further and quietly copies the video onto Jaehyun's USB.

[re-writing] earphones/airpods | Jung Jaehyun [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now