Loki Laufeyson-Return the favor.

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so the fandom has trouble with calling him odinson or laufeyson but I'm over here lowkey (loki eheheh) calling him friggason ;)

Warning: an emotional rollercoaster?¿

You were reading your favorite book, never ever, it was so complex, filled with emotion, so many twists and just all in all a good book. It was like, an adult-teenish version of Peter Pan...but peter isn't such a good guy.

You hear a knock at your door, you set the book down and walk towards it, quickening your steps as you start to hear uneasy breathing getting louder and louder.

You open the door and your maybe more than a best friend, locks eyes with you. You were an empath, and had some other powers, it came in handy but sometimes it hurt you. You felt a rush of pain, sadness and worry shiver down your spine. You were in shock for a few seconds, but you came back to reality and realized the issue.

Loki was not okay.

"Loki? W- What's wrong?"

He looks at the ground and you see his lip quivering.

Sudden, yet gently, he leans in and hugs you. You were shocked at first, still wanting to know what had been going on, but you sunk into the hug...that until you felt a few tears soak into your clothes.

You pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

"Loki, whats wrong? Please tell me."

You looked up at him and you saw his chest rise and fall uneasily. He was stressed and worried. You just needed to know why.

He looked at you and gently asked you to sit down, as he sat next to you and held your hands. He stared at you for a few seconds, very intently. He rested his hands on the bed and looked around nervously, soon locking his eyes with yours once again.

He started to tell you what he'd been wanting too, that he had been a frost giant, that he'd killed many, many, people. That he wasn't good enough for you, and he wouldn't be surprised if you hated him.

You waited patiently for him to finish, seeing his red, puffy eyes still locked with yours

Once he finishes, he gets up to leave, thinking you wouldn't want to see him again.

You reach for his hand and stand up in front of him.

"I would never think such of you, Loki. Never"

He lets out a breathe and you see him less tense.

"I don't care about who you were, your past does not define you. Neither does where you came from. Look, Love, I will always be here for you, whether you're a frost giant or not. You've been there for me, and I will return the favor. I love you, Loki."

He gently smiles and pulls you in for a hug, this time, it's tight.

"O- oh okay a little less tight I can't really breathe"

"Sorry, Love. Thank you, for everything. I- I couldn't even imagine being anything without you."

"Hey, I'm jus returning the favor."

He pulls you in for a passionate kiss, and the rest of the night goes very well....

lots geeking out over Shakespeare and cuddling while staring at the stars ;)



i did this instead of hw.


-L (who's probs fucked tmrw)

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