Tom Hiddelston- i love her.

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Tom's pov:
After a long day of errands and what not, I finally arrived to my home, that my wife and I had purchased in Belsize Park, London, England. I was so lucky to live there, with the love of my life. I could never ask for more.

I had bought her a single rose, a white one. She thought the red ones were too 'cliche', I chuckled at that thought. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door, I called for her, yet I got no answer.

I shrugged it off and hung my coat, i walked upstairs and into the bedroom. Only to see my beautiful wife, at her desk drawing.

She was a wonderful artist.

I assumed she did not realize I had arrived, I called her name and she jumped a bit.

"Hello Love, I've gotten you a rose, just like you had asked"

She walked up to me and gave me a smile as he hugged me.

Although, This smile didn't feel right.

It seemed fake.

I payed attention to that as she went back to her desk and closed her sketchbook, roughly placing it into the drawer.


"Yes, tom?"

"Care to join me on the bed"

"Of course"

She turned her back and probably assumed I wasn't looking, yet I could see her. She was rubbing her temples and staring at the ground before turning around to face me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, I was not going to have the love of my life feel any sort of distress.

She walked to the bed an I patted the area next to me for her to sit on. She settled into the bed as I grabbed a change of clothes out of the drawer and changed while she read her book.

"So, Love?"

"Yes, tom?"

"Tell me the truth"

Her eyes widened a bit as she stared at her book intently.

"I- I don't know what y- you're talking ab- about"

I took the book out of her hands and placed it onto the bed, i held her chin up and stared directly into her eyes, her big beautiful eyes.

"What's wrong? Somethings off."

She sighed.

"You trust me, don't you?"

She nodded.

"I trust you tom. More than anything or anyone. I just- I don't trust myself."

"What do you mean by that? What's causing you this pain?"

She told me about her anxiety issues and the flashbacks she was having from when she was a child. She told me about her abusive mother and how her brothers had been threatening her and making her send them money. Turns out they'd been accused of illegal use of drugs. Her mother had been sentenced a while ago for something financially related, but she wouldn't like to add to that. She'd been requested to go to court as a witness. She was crying now, a fragile being and I knew I had to comfort her.

"Don't worry, my little dove. I will be with you, the whole journey. They will not win."

She settled into my arms, as we cuddled and felt lust between us. It was romance, a night where we could feel love without having to say the words I love you.

but I hope she knows,

I love her.

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