Steve Rogers-Disobey

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alternate title: mind if i touch there?

(endgame is so soon and no i am not okay, i'm seeing it in 6 days. Also, I AM NOT AN EXPERT AT MEDICAL STUFF, YOU KNOW. SO I MAY BE WRONG ON THINGS.)

Warnings: not really but nudity, ig? mentions of scars, not too much to handle i think.

You grabbed the blade you stabbed into the Hydra Agent's heart and stuffed it back into your pocket. Not a usual, but that was your favorite blade!

You spoke through the earpiece,

'Alright Rogers, how many more of them do we have to take down?'

You heard a grunt, followed by a loud thud, and Steve responded. 'You get away to the safe house, I'll be there soon.'

'What? Where are you going'

'Into the main room, you stay out of this! Captain's orders, follow them.'

Oh come on, Captain's orders? He thinks of you as such a rebellious person, he doesn't give you any freedom either!

'Hm, alright. I'll go back to the safe house.'

'Or I'll follow you and help!', you thought.

Yeah, you were definitely not gonna follow Captain's orders.

You ran stealthily across the halls, silently killing any guards in your way as you searched for Steve.

You knew what he was doing, it was practically a suicide. He couldn't handle that many people, with that many weapons, alone with some shield his old fuckbuddy stark made.

Through a window across from you, in the other facility right next to you, you saw Steve shielding himself and he slowly walked toward the main room.

Oh shit.

The distance wasn't that far apart, you could jump, right?

You did so anyway, by the way.

But only after they started shooting at him!

'Son of a bitch! I told you to get out of here!'

'And I didn't listen, Duck!'

He groaned and you fought alongside him. You threw a few bombs in there to destroy some of Hydra's work and kill a few along the way.

After everyone else dropped dead at your feet, Steve grabbed your arm and dragged you to his motorcycle. He didn't even say a word, but his expressions showed him to be quite angry.

He let go of your arm to get on and leave his arm holding out a helmet to you.

You put it on and got on behind him.

He drove to where the safe house was located, which was actually a hotel on the far end of town, and stopped his motorcycle.

He checked what Fury sent, 'Floor 4, room 26',

You removed the helmet and got off.

'Why'd you disobey me? I told you what to do and you were supposed to follow.'

You got a few looks as you went to the reception, Steve checked in and the few people who were up at 2 am followed you with their eyes.

'I disobeyed for the best, you couldn't have fought them all! Plus, you weren't even focused on destroying the information they had stored.'

You whispered harshly between your teeth, you entered the elevator and Steve pressed 4.

'They couldn't kill me!'

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