Bucky Barnes

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so this is pretty old so sorry dkksks
any requests? like any prompts or smth??

You walked into your newly bought apartment complex in Brooklyn, New York.

Since both Bucky and you had been from there and loved it there, you decided to move in together, you both believed you had been ready.

Sure, you both still hadn't been living a normal life, there were plenty of dangerous things happening beneath the floors of Brooklyn, yet you still believed that all you needed to live a normal life was your love for each other.

'Wow, we did good picking this out'

'Yes, we really did, doll. So what do you want to do on our first night here?'

He set some of the suitcases down near the kitchen counter and setting the keys to the complex down.

You moved some of the boxes you were holding to the couch nearby and walked up to him, meeting his face and holding the collars of his jacket while staring intently at his eyes.

He took sharper breaths.

'Well, we could pack, we've got lots to unload.
We could watch a movie with the new tv and cuddle,
or we could..'

You bit your lip

'Oh baby'
And right after he said that he pulled your face in and started kissing you, you felt so good with him and wanted to take it a step further.

You've kissed, almost have done it, but you were never ready to actually...do it.

Yeah, you're a Virgin.

He inserted his tongue into your mouth, he didn't have to ask permission anymore. It started caressing yours as the heated make-out continued.

You pulled away from him and looked at the ground, he stared at you confusedly.

'What's wrong, baby?'

'I wanna take this a step further. I want it to be you'

He smirked and soon hid his smile to ask you,
'Are you sure about this? I'll go easy on you if you are'

'I'm sure. Don't be afraid, just do what pure comfortable with.'

'Oh my god i love you so much y/n, I'll make you feel so good'

He took you into his arms and lead you to your new bedroom, he placed you onto the bed.
'Strip down, Love. I'll be back'

Oh, strip down. Yeah, easy. That's fine. No need to worry. It's all okay, right? He wouldn't think you were..ugly? I mean, he's practically seen you naked but...this is different.

You bit your lip at these thoughts and your mind kept flooding itself with more.

Just before another worry could be added, Bucky entered the room and stopped at the door.

'Is something wrong?'

'I- i want to do this bucky. I'm just scared—'

'It may hurt but I promise I'll help you through it and make you feel good, you don't have to do it if you don't want to.'

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