tom holland-the not so great reunion.

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text message from Tom: I'm going out tonight.
text message from Tom: I was invited out to a pub, I probably won't be back for some time.
text message from Tom: it's haz's birthday, I'll be staying at his place tonight. see you soon.

Maybe you could've forgiven it, if it were a few days. Yet this was not the case, it had been weeks since you had seen him. You know he sometimes comes late in the night and sleeps at the flat you share with him, but you haven't gotten to see him for more than thirty minutes on Thursday morning, which was the longest you've seen him the past few weeks.

So how would you cope? You've busied yourself with your writing, you got to finish an old book you wrote and sent it to be published. You also started a new one...this one was different. It's was more real. More like how you feel...on paper. You put your emotions into a character, and how you saw others into another.

Anyway, this busied you so much you haven't really gotten to sleep...or eat. At least tom has been staying are Harrison's for the past few days, he wouldn't like to see you in this condition.You couldn't tell if it was because of stressing over tom, or the writing.

As you finished off the last paragraph of chapter one, you heard your apartment door unlock. You didn't bother to go up and see who it was, you barely thought of who it could be.

The footsteps came closer to your seat on the living room desk as you obliviously typed away. You felt a hand tap your shoulder and you flinched, almost knocking the coffee you've been living off of that sat flatly on your desk.

You turned the chair towards the other direction and got instantly reeled into a realm of shock and pain.

Tom stood in front of you, you couldn't read it. He seemed mad, but also looked guilty.
He seemed to have been in pain, but also be the cause of it.
You had no choice but to stare and feel the blood rush to your head as the man took a deep breath.

"When?" Tom squinted at you as he spoke.

"What?" You choked out.

"When did you sleep or even properly eat, last?" He furrowed his eyebrows at you.

"That's none of your business."
You stood up and walked towards the bedroom door. Tom ran after you and put his arms up and choked out his words before you could slam the door in his face.

"It is my business! I'm your boyfriend. I deserve to know how you've been doing."

"Are you? Do you really care?"

Tom stared at the ground for a moment then back at you.

"YOU told me it was fine! You always said I could leave and it was okay"


"This is bullshit."

You turned your back towards him as he rubbed his temples and leant against the wall.

"What were you doing, tom? I know you haven't been just going out and having fun without a cost. You never tell me about your problems either. If there's something wrong, turn to me, not alcohol."

You played with the hem of your nightgown.

"Look, Ive been under pressure since my dad's been going off about his business and wants me to take over. I'm sorry. I know I've caused a lot of things, like you not being able to sleep. But I know, it was selfish, I'm sorry."

Tom practically choked out his last words. You knew you wanted to stay mad, but couldn't help but feel a bit sympathetic for him.
After a long pause of silence and tension between you two, you responded to him.
"I forgive you, but you're sleeping on the couch for a while, and owe me a box of chocolates."

He giggled to himself.

"Anything for you."

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