Tony stark-Impressive

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this is a whole mess and a half but have fun ig

You walked into the coffee store. You weren't much of a coffee girl, but you needed it today. You had barely gotten any sleep and you needed to finish one of your experiments.

You walked up to the barista and ordered your drink.



Surprisingly, they spelt your name correctly. I mean, it wasn't Starbucks.

You walked out of the coffee store only to bump into something and almost dropped your drink.

You look up and see a lamppost. You sigh to yourself.

You continue walking and see a man eyeing you, up and down. You quicken your pace and they start to follow you.

You tilt your head at a 180° angle and see the man close behind you. He was tall, frail and had very dark hair.

He reaches out for you and you gasp as you attempt to free from his grasp, you feel a pair of hands pull you away from him and see a man punch him. You see the man that followed you fall to the ground with a bloody nose, the other man turns around but the pervert grabs him and pushes him to the ground.

You act on instinct, so you set down your drink and go towards the men. You take the predators arms and push them down, quickly turning them and having them behind his back. He grunt while the other man pushes himself up.

"What're you gonna do? Call the cops?"

"y/n! Put that motherfucker down"

You turn your head at the familiar voice and see your boss, nick fury standing next to the man who attempted to save you.

"I'm just giving the jackass what he deserves."

"Oh- yeah thank you for that"

The man adds in.

"Tony, Tony Stark by the way"

He looks at you turn to fury, wanting to know if you could trust this, Tony Stark.

"Yeah, he's one of us."

"Oh, alright. I'm y/n then. Y/n. Y/n Banner."

"Wait, you're related to Bruce"

"Aha, Yeah he's my older brother."

You chuckle as he gives you a slight smile, you both realize you've been staring at each other when you hear a strong forced cough coming from fury.

"don't play around with her stark, she's one of our best agents and we don't need you to mess around with her."

Fury patted his shoulder and walked away, you could see that tony felt a little hurt from the comment.

He saw you looking at the ground signaling you felt sympathetic for him.

"Don't worry, it's nothing new."

He gave you a soft smile.

"How about we go for a walk? If you'd like?"

You ask, you feel your cheeks burn red as you realize you just asked this..stranger out.

"I'd like that"


i just wanted to show that tony can be a smol bean ok


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