Tony stark-Anxiety Attack

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(he's your dad lol)

You felt your breathe sharpen as you gasped for air falling to your knees in your room. Your head was spinning, your limbs felt like led and you were having the anual...
anxiety attack.

It's no surprise to you, it usually happens. Yet this different.

You felt sharp pains now, and you saw black dots all over. You then saw everything turn bright, you couldn't stand up.

You heard something barge in, it was tony who shot a worried look at you.

"Jarvis! Help her! Call the ambula- Call Bruce! He'll know what to do—take deep breathes y/n!"

You couldn't speak and you closed your eyes tightly, hoping the pain would go away soon.

Tony tried to help you up but you moved his hand out of the way.

You put your head against the wall and he or his arm around you, trying to calm you down and giving you breathing techniques.

Bruce came in and gave you some pills and tried to figure out what was wrong. Tony had a chip in you to be able to track you and make sure you were doing okay. Jarvis said it hadn't been from a heart condition. More to do with you internally than physically.

After a while, you felt less dizzy and took easy breathes.

"Hey—call me when that happens, okay? We need to figure out why this happened, are t-"

"Dad—it's been happening for a while. I- I wanted to tell you but I was scared. I miss mom, and I'm trying to cope with things right now but it's so hard. This usually happens to me, but it's never hurt that much"

"Tony, she's showing signs of PTSD. Her symptoms from the past weeks that we have in her files lead to it. We need to get her a therapist."

"We will, Bruce."

He looked at you and gave you a hug.

"You're not alone on this, kid. I'm not a perfect father but I'll be there when you need me."


he stole all my uwu's

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