Benedict cumberbatch-more fun for me

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ok I love sherlock and the ending is perfect and all buT I NEED MORE. i never finish shows and Sherlock is my absolute favorite, it's just so scintillating oh my godossgshej

It was your favorite time of day, Netflix hours!

Your legs were crossed up on the maroon colored couch, a grey blanket cocering half of you.

You stared intently at the television, not even hearing any other sounds, like Benedict entering the flat and slowly walking behind you.

'No!! No, sherlock—oh god, please don't die!'

Yes, you were speaking out loud. I mean, no filming today, you got to stay home and were alone for a while, why not talk to yourself....okay there may be a small issue with that.

Anyway, your eyes widened as you saw sherlock step closer to the edge of the building, a gasp escaping your mouth.

' don't do it don't—'

And the television was shut off.

You gasped and dropped the blanket to the ground, got up and heard someone 'tsk' behind you.

You furrowed your eyebrows and turned around, Benedict with his hands on the back of the couch, smirking and leaning forward. (I don't know if you get the image, I'm sorryyyy)

'Why did you do that?! He was about to die! Die!!!'

'Oh, love. We all know you've watched this show a million times, don't you get tired of seeing my face, up there?'

'No. Now give me the remote, you've put me through enough emotional times today, I must continue!'

You leaned forward and jumped onto the couch, reaching for the remote from him, he raised it up with one hand.

'Oh, come on. That's my character. Plus, why have the fictional one when the real one is right here?'

He gave you a wink.

You pouted and crossed your arms, still standing on the couch, yet not taller than Benedict. (But hey, I'm a tall gal, and that's totally okay to be tall. ok I'll stop, sorry for my input)

'Because I've devoted my entire life to fictional characters and I connect with them on a much deeper level as they show emotions that I feel, plus have gone through and think things that I have thought, so mourning over them is just empathizing, not even sympathy.'

He raised an eyebrow.

'You're very cute when you get caught up in your obsessions.'

He climbed over the couch and you sat down. You were sitting sideways on the couch, as was he, and he was on his knees.

'Well, if im that cute, you'll love it when you let me watch the damn show! Come on, I love it!'

'Not until I get to love you.'

Oh curse that perfect and sexy voice of his.

He slowly climbed on top of you.

Instead of starting on the lips, like you usually would, he started on your earlobe.

He nipped it softly and whispered.

'I've had a long day at work, you know.'

Oh god, it's manipulation! I'm telling you. That voice Can brainwash anyone in an instant!

'Really, so what are you planning on doing now?'

You bit your lip softly, oh no. It's happening.

'Well, glad you asked. I'm going to kiss you so lustfully until you are left breathless with nothing but desire. Your breathing hitched and you won't know what you just had undergone until you find the trademarks, later, all over your body.'

Let him have you. Just let that smooth son of a bastard get what he wants, because he knows goddamn well you want it back, too.

He pushed your hair back and kissed your neck, sucking on it and moving passionately. His hands on your sides, squeezing gently whenever he was getting too passionate.

You weren't wearing a bra, so the strapped tank top you were wearing was easy to pull over you.

After he took it off, he removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, not removing it just yet.

He kissed your jawline while pulling down your cotton shorts.

He moved down your body quickly and a bit sloppily with kisses, then moved to your panties.

He took it by his teeth and used his hands to help you arch your back as he slid them off.

He moved his head back up and sucked down on the skin on your thighs.

As he moved a bit upwards, he licked down your clit in one big lick.

You moaned and exhaled at once, the breath you let out was one you hadn't even known you were holding in.

He moved his tongue around, he kept adding more pressure from his tongue. You were moaning more and more every time he did so.

He moved more passionately and you got a hold of his hair, tugging softly on the dark brown curls.

Soon enough, you felt an orgasm coming.

'I'm a-ah-about to come, b-ben'

He gave no response, just kept going.

You exhaled as you let go.

He cleaned you up and went to your shared bedroom.

He got you one of his large t-shirts.

'Uh, no underwear?'

'Makes it more fun for me'

He grinned.

'Whatever, we're gonna continue to watch Sherlock anyway'

He groaned and you snuggled up close to him

(the couch isn't dirty from the thing that had just occurred kdksksk it's a perfect world)

This was supposed to be a fluff i—

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