Bucky Barnes-fight for dominance

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ok seb really decided to just slaughter us w that look
-ur dead writer

Tony invited you and your boyfriend Bucky to a party he was throwing to congratulate Steve on finding a place in Brooklyn, although tony pretended to have steve pay for the place with a low amount of money but he was really the one paying for it.

You walked to your closet and looked for the dress you bought. You bought it A few days ago, when all the guys went out together to buy outfits and all the girls did the same.

Once you found the dress, you slipped it on and walked over to your heels. You slipped them on and went to your vanity. You wouldn't usually apply makeup, but today was special. You applied Bucky's favorite red lipstick that you knew would drive him crazy once he saw you wearing it.

You finished applying your mascara and heard a whistle from the doorframe.

You turn and raise your eyebrows and see your boyfriend, staring at you with the feeling of lust.

"Looking good, barnes"

"Same to you"

You admire his suit and well done hair for s moment.

He gives a smirk as he walks over to you and you feel his arms set on your shoulder.

He starts to trail kisses down your neck and jawline as you turn the vanity chair to face him, he reaches your lips and is about to kiss them as you put your hand in front of his face.

"Not now, I just applied this and we've got to go"

He glares at you and lets out a growl. Yes, a growl. You walk in front of him as you head out your room door and you feel his eyes burn through you as he stares at you intently whilst walking closely behind you.

You got into the limo tony had brought for all the avengers (you were an avenger), and sat yourself beside tony, and Bucky sat next to you at the end of the limo.

"Alright, tonight's for steve, lets give some applause for capsicle"

You turn your head to steve who's face is flushed red as you see tony compliment him. You could tell tony was probably really drunk already.

You feel buck's fingers trail up and down your thigh through out the ride. You didn't speak to each other, but you could feel the sexual tension. He kept teasing you like that until you gave him a look and took his hand from where it was placed and placed it on your lap as you rubbed small circles on it. You were soon leaning against his shoulder as you had a conversation with the rest of the team, he was awfully quiet, but you knew he was planning things inside his head.

You got to the club after a long drive and everyone hopped off.

As you got off he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, signaling that you were his.

"You, stay close to me."

He ordered. You acted as if you were innocent and walked into the bar, swaying your hips a bit with each step.

As everyone scattered across the bar, Rhodey told stories, Thor and tony argued over who's girlfriend was better, clint and Natasha talked about Budapest..and so on. You found a seat at the bar and Bucky sat next to you.

"Want a drink"

His gruff voice asked you, you nodded and he asked the bartender to get you a drink.

"Really barnes, that drink barely has an affect"

"You'll want to remember this night."

He gave you a look that sent chills down your spine.

The bartender gave you the drink and you downed the drink.

Soon, a man about your age sat next to you with a couple of his friends on the seats next to him. He looked at you and admired you, you realized you could have a little fun with his.

You heard the man talk to his friends about you and you pretended to be oblivious to it. You could see Bucky tense up and you saw him clench his jaw.

"So, Can I get your number or something"

The man asks and before you could put a stop to it and let him know you had a boyfriend, Bucky stands up and lashes out at him.

"She has a boyfriend."

"Oh really? Might be time for a new one."

If Bucky hadn't thrown the first punch, you would've punched him Peggy style.

Yet again, you realized your boyfriend punched the man.

"Bucky! We're gonna get in trouble for that!"

"He was a douche. And the only person who's gonna be in trouble is you."

You looked up at him and saw his devilish gaze stare intently at you.

After you got home that night...

Let's just say it had been a fight for dominance.

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