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I got out earlier, but I've been crying for the entire day! No lie.


yes, Tony stark was my favorite. I don't have favorites, but his character was my all time favorite for many reasons. Yes, I AM torn apart.

another thing, here are times I cried and why. (I was in tears the entire time, here's when I sobbed)

and these were copied and pasted by texts I sent who a friend, who watched it today, on her birthday 0-0 she isn't the biggest fan so I may be explaining a bit

First, when tony got a kid. He deserved it! He wanted one for so long and had dreams, it was beautiful to see his life not be a mess.

Second, the clint and Natasha scene where they fought and nat sacrificed herself. It's a parallel, he saved her from being evil in the beginning and now they're both good. She sacrificed herself, it was so sad.

Third, the tony death scene of course. Peter went 'we won, mr stark. please don't go' and all that, and pepper oh my god, I was so sad, he was always my fav.

dude I also cried when the funeral happened, there's smth u may not know let me explain. Those are all the people tony helped, and also, there's this kid in the back called Harley. All grown up, he helped tony when he was stranded and had anxiety attacks/ptsd. They were like father and son, I got so sad :(

oh, and the time where steve finally removed went back and aged, finally getting that dance with Peggy. He died before he could dance with her, he promised he would but he fell into the ice. She died because of age but he went back and lived this whole life with her, I was broken :(

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