Bucky-You make me feel good.

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Late night at the avengers tower, the team had been getting ready to leave.

'Y/n, you sure you're gonna be alright with the old tin man over here?'

'Yeah tony, The elderly do go to sleep quite early, I'll get some movies in'

Tony laughed and you saw Bucky roll his eyes beside you. The avengers were all rushing to leave, yet you and Bucky were not going on the mission. It was more of a...break? Fury believe you two were overworking yourselves, and as he said, he didn't want you to 'burn out like the weak motherfuckers you are'.

'Alright, punk. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone.'
Steve said smiling, a hint of nostalgia had washed over his face, you saw the old men have googly eyes for each other as Bucky replied with
'I won't, you're taking all the stupid with you'.
The soldier lightly (as light as a metal arm could) punched his friends shoulder and waved goodbye to everyone. It was a pretty big mission, a huge hydra takedown.

The team had all gotten out safely, you quickly paced to the couch nearby and let of a huff.

Bucky continued reading the magazine he had picked up on the counter.

You huffed, this time louder. The strand of hair falling from your messy ponytail had blown.

Bucky left no reaction.

You huffed so loud and hit your feet on the floor, causing you to quickly hold them and quietly say 'ouch!' repeatedly.

'So, you need anything? I guess the old man here has to go eat some prunes, you know'

You rolled your eyes and smiled.
'Well, I just think I should've gone on the mission'

'You can't. You went on the most missions out of everyone here...in only a matter of months!!'
He walked towards the couch and placed himself next to you.
You stood up, instinctively and held your point.
'I mean, I wouldn't burn out. I can do it. I'm a soldier. Meant to be a soldier. That's what hydra wanted me to be. I cant sit here knowing that the people who did that to me could get away, or not die underneath my grip.'
You sat back on the couch, he had moved your legs to a position where you would be laying down. His knees on each side of your thighs, he towered over you.
'You're not a soldier. You are so much more.'
'Really? Are you sure? I'm going crazy over not being able to fight for some stupid feeling of justice. I cant handle living a normal life for less than 24 hours or I'll go insane-'
You stopped speaking. You had met his piercing blue eyes, only they had not been on yours.
They had been on your lips.
You were about to speak as he lowered his head and attached his lips to yours. You felt an odd sensation, like you weren't being controlled anymore. You moved your lips along in sync with Bucky, he started moving his hands onto yours hips, then lower. He reached the side of your thighs and held them together. You detached your lips from his causing him to raise his eyebrows.
'Bucky, I want you to help me'
'Well, with what exactly, doll?'
'Make me forget this. Put me into a state of euphoria, I just want to be alone with you and happy.'
'You're going to have to beg, it's a lot to ask'
You put on your 'helpless' face and said beneath him.
'Oh please, Bucky. I want you. You can change me. You can do things to me no one else can-'
And just like that, he had kissed you again. Roughly. This time, you started reaching for his shirt and pulling it off. He had been taking your skirt off. Soon, you both had been in nothing but your underwear.

He slowly removed your bottom piece as he started into your eyes, you tried looking away but he had been so hypnotizing. Every time you moved your head to the left he would gently face it to him.
As you had finally both been in completely nothing, he looked at you and asked if you were okay with it.
'I want you. Now.'
Then he soon started kissing your neck and pushed inside of you. The movements had caused nothing but the sound of your loud moans and skin slapping to fill the room. The lust felt completely magical.
He kept moving, thrusting, in and out. He was so, damn, good.
'ah, please, faster'
'anything for you, doll'
He moved faster, and faster. Your moans practically were screams.
'You're doing so good for me. So good.'
He kept thrusting and you felt close.
'I'm about to- to cum.'
He suddenly roughed into you, harder and faster then before, and you let it all out.
'I'm about to- finish, hold on for me. '
His eyes screwed shut as he gave you a few more thrusts, oh how it felt so good. You moaned and had a grip on your hair and he finished on you.

He left you laying there and went and got you cleaned up.
He came back, put on only his boxers as you put on your underwear and laid behind you.

'I want nothing but the best for you, y/n'

'Thank you, a lot. You make me feel so good.'

'Don't push it, I'll be tempted for round two, and i wouldn't go that easy on you'

'Oh bite me'

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