Bucky Barnes: She Heard.

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"Alright, it's pretty late. I'm gonna call it a night.", Tony said tiredly. 

You nodded and replied, "Yeah, same here. Oh and Buck, you owe me ten bucks", you gave him a smirk.

"I'll get you next time, Y/n", he said from the couch he was lounging on, next to Steve. 

"Yeah right, no one is better than me at ping pong!", you smiled and got up from your seat next to Tony. 

Steve and Bucky got up from their seats to say goodbye. Tony, a bit tipsy, just muttered a 'goodbye capsicle, snowflake, and deadly assassin that I don't want to kill me with her mutant powers'. 

You gave Steve a small hug and hugged Bucky. He gave you a kiss on the forehead and whispered sweet stuff in your ear before you left the room, earning an odd look from Steve. 

As you left, Steve muttered "Guess we're on Clean Up duty".

You entered your room and collapsed onto your bed. You worried that you may get a painful hangover tomorrow as your stomach grumbled. All that drinking and you didn't get anything to eat.

So, you got up and went to the kitchen, but you stopped as you heard voices in the distance, along with shuffling around.

"Look, Buck. Best Friends don't do that type of stuff! You guys touch each other and have all this chemistry, and you do nothing about it! What's the point?"

"She doesn't have feelings for me. We don't do anything more than just play around. We're just friends, although close."

Bucky stopped talking once you accidentally ratted the trash can next to you. 


You went to the bathroom in hopes of calming yourself down and not seeing Bucky,

Really? Just friends? 

Goddammit! Why didn't he like you back? What would .make him like you back?

Did those late movie nights and cuddles mean nothing? I mean, he flirted a lot with you, you did the same.

You pulled yourself from your thoughts and realized that the sound died down. 

You left the bathroom, staring down at the ground and trying to figure out what to do.

Suddenly, you bumped into something. No, scratch that, someone. 

You looked up to see who's chiseled abs you bumped into. Of course, it was Bucky.

He gave you a smirk.

"Hey Doll, what're you doing still up?"

He moved his hands to your shoulders, gently massaging them.

You stepped away from him.

"Uh, just needed the bathroom. I was actually gonna get something to eat before I-uh-went to bed."

Leaving him in confusion, you went to the kitchen to finally fetch some poptarts, and then retreated to your bedroom. Soon enough, you fell asleep.

The next morning, you woke up with a hangover so you went to the medicine cabinet in the living room bathroom to get some pills.

Yet of course, Bucky walked up to you when he saw you from his seat on the couch.

He wrapped his arms around you from behind, "So, wanna go out for lunch?".

"I don't feel that well right now, I'm kinda hungover. Maybe next time".

You replied as you undid yourself from his grasp.

As you went into the bathroom, Bucky huffed as he lounged next to Steve.

"I don't know why she's acting so weird, all of the sudden."

"Well, she used to accept all this touching and stuff, right buck?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Now she doesn't."

"No shit."

"Okay look, what happened in the time you guys were together last night until now, that may have caused her to distance herself from you?"

Bucky sat there looking confused. "Well, we talked in the kitchen about this but..."

"That rattling, in the kitchen! That was her, genius."

"She...She heard!"

"Yeah, you may want to talk to her about that. It doesn't seem like she's on board with this whole 'just friends' thing".

Steve got called by the AI to meet Tony and help him with some hangover remedy, so Bucky waited for you. 

When you came out, he called after you.

"Uh, Y/n?"

You stopped in your tracks but didn't turn around.

"I know you heard Steve and I's conversation, I'm sorry!"

You turned your head, "Why would you be sorry? You don't have feelings for me, you just wanna fool around-"

"Okay, what? Who said I didn't have feelings for you?"

"You did! Last night."

"No, I believe I said 'she' as in you, didn't have feelings for me. Also, I never said anything about not wanting to take it a step further"

Your jaw dropped as you sat in front of him,

"really? you want to take it a step further? And by the way, I do have feelings for you! How dare you say that I-"

He interrupted you, "Well, if you, y/n, have feelings for me, and I have feelings for you.."

"Oh just kiss already, Capsicle and I are getting bored"

You both turned your heads in shock to see Tony and Steve looking at you guys from the doorframe. 

 You giggled and Bucky moved in and kissed you.

You tangled your hands in his hair and moved closer to him.

Tony gasped and used his hands to cover Steve's eyes, "Oh my god! Too much for this innocent man, get a room!"

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