Tom Holland-My what??

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big smut. also please requests!! a character, prompt, a sentence I have to use, aNYTHING. Also our baby boy tom isn't so innocent...anymore. you can kill me later.

It was 8 pm, Tom and you just got home from a long day out. Walking at the park, shopping, eating lunch out, no matter what it was, he was teasing you.

He ran his hand up your thigh in the car, he purposefully talked about things that turned you on, he pushed you to an edge.

He thought he won, so as you entered our penthouse and went to the bedroom, you huffed as you sat cross-legged on the bed.

I mean, you were an outfit you felt pretty damn good in, plus what you wore underneath!

He set the keys on the table and pretended to mind his own business.

You bit your lip and sighed.

'Hm? Somethings wrong?'

He tried to hide a grin, you heated up and he took off his shirt and pants, he slept in his boxers so it wasn't a big deal.

'Aren't you gonna change?'

You huffed once more.

'Oh don't worry, love. I'll help you.'

He climbed over you, his smirk hadn't left his face. He was practically pinning you below him and he reached for your shorts.

You squirmed below him,

'I want you!'

He raised his eyebrows,
'What do you want from me, exactly?'

'I want your cock inside of me!'

Oh, yes that seems odd.

'My what?'

Oh god his mischievous smirk! You couldn't let him win.

You had a smirk of your own now, he looked obfuscated.

You looked down toward where his, now growing, member was.

'I said, I want your tiny, little, atrophied, microscopic- ah!'

You gasped.

'Oh I'm sorry, is that area sensitive?

You were saying?'

What? He can't just do that.

You looked at him in disbelief.

'You know, y/n, not only is it quite a sensitive area, but it's also very wet. For me of cour—'

You took his face in your hands, pulling onto you from where he was above you and turned him over.

You kissed him through the process. 

You created friction, thrusting your hips onto him as you played with his hair.

He reached for your top, eagerly attempting to remove it.

He threw it to the side, then he slid your bottoms off, still kissing you.

He moaned and grunted, so did you.

You pulled away once you were only in the lingerie.

'Y/n what the f- woah.'

His eyes lit up, you sat on your knees and he sat in front of you, his back against the headboard.

'Oh come on y/n, you had your fair share of control. Now, you do what I say'

Let's just say that you listened to him, just to see where it'd go.

Your face heated up once again, he made you strip completely.

Well, you didn't do anything, he did it all, while he made you stare at him in his big brown eyes.

He moved you over to the headboard, your back was against a pillow. He, quite harshly, pushed your legs apart. He but his lip.

'Now, you really did pull something off back there, didn't you?

And I mean, I appreciate the effort. I really do...'

He pushed one finger inside of you.

'It was very hot, really. I couldn't control myself, I'm lucky I'm still sane...'


You gasped slightly this time.

'-ah, no darling. Don't make a sound, now if you do, you'll have to face the consequences.'

He pushed another finger into you, and another.

He pumped his fingers, in and out. You tried not to whimper.

He pulled out.

You may have had a slight pout.

'Oh you just can't wait, too impatient. Tsk tsk.'

He pulled his boxers off, he made sure to see that you were watching him.

You gawked at the size, man you'd never get used to it.

He grabbed a condom from the bedside table and put it on.
He positioned himself, giving you a small smile.

You took in a deep breath.

He thrusted into you, he grunted and you tried so hard not to make any sound!

You chuckled at your attempt and thrusted again, he then did it again, and again.

His thrusts got sloppy after a bit, he slowed down.

Then, without warning, he went in fast and hard.

'Ahh-tom oh my fuck'

He pulled out.

'Now what did I say?'

'N-no please...daddy.'

He widened his eyes, he then acceded.

'So do you feel?'

He slowly moved into you.

'I-I want you to move faster.'

You looked at him, he shook his head.

'Please, daddy'

He thrusted faster, his pace quickened.

You moaned and called out, he grunted as he kept thrusting.

'I'm going to cum—'

'Hold it.'

He pushed into you again.

You couldn't hold it, but he couldn't, apparently, either.

You let go.
You sighed in relief and lay on the bed for a few moments as he threw the condom and came to clean you up.

After he cleaned you up, he kissed you on the forehead and spooned.

ok I'm sorry wtf did I just write?

endgame is so close ifhsmensjs

and Billie's new album is perfect! so proud of her

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