Sebastian Stan-Magic Trick

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not over endgame,,, but i love it 3000

warnings: fluffyyy floof but um,,, almost/slight smut??

You watched as both of your sons ran across the green grass in the park, eagerly sprinting to the playground. 

You tried to keep up the pace as you walked behind them, smiling at the sight.

Ah, Sebastian, these were the times you missed him most.

'Mommy, pleasseeee help me with the swing!'

Your six year old son, Jackson, called.

'Yes of course, baby.', after helping him on, your 3 year old son, Harry, asked for you to help him onto one, too.

After lots of playing and moving from one thing to do on the playground to another, you decided it would be best to go home to have some lunch.

'Alright boys, go down the slide and then we'll go home.'

Jackson groaned and Harry pouted.

'We wanna stay!', Jackson furrowed his eyebrows.

'Pwease mom', Harry added.

'I'm sorry but we have to get home for lunch! Don't worry, we can do something very fun once we finish eating.'

They smiled and walked home with you, talking about their favorite superheros.

'I love hawkeye, I wanna be like him!', you smiled at Jackson's comment.

'He has hearing aids, too, mommy. He's a superhero, that means I can be just like him!'.

'Yes it does, sweetie.'

You lifted Harry onto your shoulders after his feet started to hurt.

'when's dada coming', Harry said.

'Soon, I hope. Don't worry baby, he loves you a lot and misses you, too.'

'okay mommy.', Harry replied, making it sound like there was a 'w' before the 'k'.

Once you got to the penthouse, you turned on the lights and took the boys to the living room.

'Can we see dada again?'

'Of course baby, only if you eat your mac and cheese though!'

You sighed as you sat on the couch and watched the boys look at their dad on screen from the kitchen counter. Oh, it killed you for him not to be here.

Soon, you turned off the television and the movie was over. You ate at 3:00 pm, it was now 5:16 pm. 

To kill some time, you let the boys play dress up. Jackson got his toy bow and arrow and started running around, not quite sure how to shoot. He had Sebastian's eyes, a little darker, with Sebastian's brown hair, but your facial structure.

Harry always wanted to be Iron man, yeah, ironic. None of them were The Winter Soldier, or even Cap, but anyway. It worked well to say the least, he had your black hair and sparkling brown eyes, though he has Sebastian's face shape. He was a natural and those 'psh' sounds that came from the blasters.

After a long time of the boys playing around, and you attempting to create a drawing in 'peace', the boys were tired. 

You first gave them a shower, then slipped on their pj's.

You set Harry in his bed first, on the left side of the room, he hugged an Iron Man plushie. Then you put Jackson to bed, he slept with a 'lucky' plushie, Clint's dog. 

Finally, it was your turn. You filled your bath and settled in, enjoying a 30 minute long bath. No distractions, no nothing. Just you soaking yourself in hot water.

After you got out of the shower, you slipped on Sebastian's shirt that you brought to the bathroom to put on. Along with just a piece of underwear, no one was here anyway. 

After you dried your hair in the bathroom, you exited.

Leaned against the wall next to your bedroom door, Sebastian stood in his black jacket, jeans, and beard.

'Oh my god-Sebastian? What?'

You held your hands over your mouth, he was here! 9 months, and he was here!

'Are you gonna stand there or are you gonna come give me a hug?'

You ran over to him and jumped into his arms, he told you that he saw the kids and kissed them on the forehead while they slept peacefully.

'Oh baby, I've missed you so much.'

He placed you on the bed, then he toppled over you, kissing you before admiring you.

He smirked as he saw that you were wearing his shirt,

'Missed me a bit too much?'

'Oh zip it and show me what i've been missing'

He slipped off your shirt and took of his jacket and shirt.

He removed off the jeans and spooned you, slowly taking off your underwear.

After that, he pushed down his boxers and aligned himself with you, pushing your legs open.

Before he entered you, a slow creak opened the door.

You threw the blanket over you and Sebastian pulled up his underwear, running to the door to make sure no one saw you.

'Dada?' Jackson called sleepily.

'Yes, baby! It's me, how are you?'

'I'm good, what are you doing to mommy'

'It's uh..a new magic trick!'

Really, Seb? A magic trick? 

Jackson yawned, 'Oh, ok dada.'

You put on Seb's shirt while they talked, after pulling on your underwear, Sebastian brought Jackson into the room.

Harry must have heard them speaking and followed Jackson into the room, too.

Seb took each boy into one arm and carried them to you, putting them between you and Seb.

Harry slept close to you, Jackson spread his limbs all over the place, Sebastian smiled, and you were happy. 

What a great night.

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