.:Chapter Twenty-Three:.

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Izzy: I'm coming over. No excuses.

That was five minutes ago. Now, someone was attempting to knock the door down. Groaning, Magnus stood up, leaving his comfy spot on the couch, and went to answer the door.

Upon opening the doors, a wave of explosive perfume hit Magnus' nostrils. Izzy was standing in the threshold, dressed in black as usual, with a bright blue box in her arms, which (strangely) had holes poked in it.
"Izzy! How unexpected." Magnus grinned, moving out of the doorway. He was oddly aware of how underdressed and scruffy he looked. The raven-haired girl stepped into the loft, grinning.
"Hey, Magnus! I brought you something." She said, indicating the box in her hands.
"Thank you, Isabelle. Come have a seat." Magnus replied, ushering her into the living room.

Once both were seated, the Lightwood handed Magnus the blue box (upon closer inspection, Magnus thought it was actually turquoise, but he kept quiet.). Thanking her, Magnus went to shake the box, to see if he could figure out what she had brought him. With a look of horror and panic on her face, Izzy grabbed his arm with speed like lightning.
"You shouldn't shake that. Just open it." Isabelle told him, and after a sceptical look from Magnus, added, "Trust me."
Completely trusting Izzy's judgement - though, in hindsight, that would be a terrible idea - Magnus opened the box. He immediately understood why he couldn't shake it. Inside, at the bottom of the box, lay a sleeping, pure black, fluffy kitten. The warlock cooed as he gently lifted it into his arms. It was small enough to fit into his palm, so Magnus let it be on his flat hand, stroking it with one finger.
"Beautiful, isn't he?" Izzy asked him, already trying not to die of cuteness as the kitten snuggled into Magnus' hand.

And few cups of tea later, Magnus and Izzy were happily chatting to one another. The two were having a mock battle of who was better - Dumbledore or Magnus.
"Obviously Dumbledore would win, he mentors Harry Potter, the greatest wizard of all time!" Izzy exclaimed.
"Well, Alexander was my Harry!" Magnus countered.
"Wait... Dumbledore fucked Harry?" Izzy looked both confused and horrified. Silence ensued. Then they both fell about laughing over the hilarity of the thought. Their laughter abruptly stopped when they heard a small 'mew' come from Magnus' lap, where the kitten was sitting. They looked at the kitten and as he did, Magnus's breath was taken away. Its eyes were blue, the bluest he had seen, like Alec's.
"Alec... that's his name, Alec." Magnus breathed, cuddling the kitten close. In return, Alec bit his thumb lightly, playing with the digit using his paw pads. Izzy secretly snapped a photo of the two and sent it to Simon, Jace and Clary.

Izzy: {Photo attached}
Izzy: Meet Alec.
Simon: He's so cute! Babe, you did the right thing!
Jace: That's so beautiful...
Clary: Well done Iz, you made Jace cry.
Jace: I'm not crying!
Clary: Don't lie.
Clary: {Photo attached}
Jace: HEY!

Izzy held back a chuckle as she saw her friend's antics play out on the screen.
"I've got to go, Magnus. Redhead and Golden Boy are arguing." Izzy told Magnus, grinning.
"Alright, I'll see you later." He replied dismissively, leaving Izzy to walk away, shaking her head at how obsessed Magnus was with the new kitten.

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