Chapter 1: First Meetings

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Fluff/Angst
Warnings: Nothing note worthy in this chapter
Word Count: 7.3k

Rumors had been flying around Big Hit lately that the Bangtan boys were going to get a new choreographer for their next huge World Tour, Love Yourself: Tear. They had just announced that they would be going to major European countries, many different American states, and other countries around the world. Needless to say, the ARMYs were already going crazy. Pre sale tickets sold out in literally 4 seconds and the regular tickets were going on sale next week.

The boys' dreams were coming true and everything seemed perfect, until the rumors started flying about their choreographer Mr. Son leaving them to work with a new up & coming k-pop group.

In fact, Bangtan had been told that very morning that they were having an important meeting today before rehearsal about the upcoming tour. Everyone was anxious to hear if the rumors were true, especially Jimin. He loved their current teacher. He knew exactly how to work with Jimin. When to push him, when to take it easy. The relationship with Mr. Son and the boys was certainly a strong one. It was a bond that would be hard to come in between.

This is what Jimin was thinking about when Namjoon came by and knocked on his and Hoseok's door at about 9 that morning. They were all going to travel to the office together for the meeting. Jimin got up from his seat on the bed and opened the door. "Hey RM."

"Morning Jimin, are you and Hobi ready?" Namjoon asked, nodding towards the room behind him.

"Yeah, he's just brushing his teeth and then we'll meet the rest of you downstairs." Jimin said, absent-mindedly running his hand through his hair.

"Alright, sounds good. See you in a few." RM replied, smiling softly before moving on down the hallway.

Jimin closed the door and returned to his seat on the bed, picking up his iPhone. The group chat was blowing up, Jin sending some meme to everyone and the others chastising him for being such a Dad. Jimin chuckled as he closed the iMessage app and locked his phone. "Hyung, hurry up!" He called in the direction of the bathroom, pulling on his new black leather boots.

"Okay okay okay!" J-Hope said in english, opening the door and grabbing his bag, a dorky smile on his face. "Lets go Manggaetteok!"

Jimin grumbled as he grabbed his rehearsal bag. He still didn't really like getting called a rice cake by the other members. Sure, when the fans did it he thought it was cute, because they meant it with love. But sometimes the boys did it just to get a rise out of him. "Hey, you know how I feel about you calling me that!" Jimin said in his signature high pitched whiney voice.

J-Hope put an arm around Jimin's shoulders as they left the room and headed for the elevator. "I know Jiminie, I was only teasing. Now come on, we're gonna miss the Jin-bus!" Hoseok laughed as he said this, happy to get a smile out of Jimin as they got on the elevator to go downstairs.

* * * * *

As the members sat down with their management, they were all talking over each other, trying to get a straight answer about what was going on.

"Alright guys, calm down." Manager Sejin said, raising his hand for silence. "Yes, its true, you all will be working with a new choreographer for this comeback and tour."

"But what about Mr. Son?" Jungkook piped up.

"Yeah, we love him! And he already knows each of us and how we work." J-Hope added.

"Who else is gonna put up with Jin's two left feet?" Suga snarked, winking at Jin.

"Heyyyyyyyy, don't make me smack you Yoongi!" Jin practically yelled across the table with his signature fake outrage and wide eyes. RM, V, and Jimin all remained silent, waiting for Sejin to continue.

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