Chapter 3: Heat

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Fluff/Angst/SMUT
Warnings: Mention of Depression/Anxiety | Mention of Self Harm | Oral giving/receiving | Intercourse | Unprotected sex | Cursing | Noona Kink | Dirty Talk | Slight Sub/dom play
Word Count: 8.2k

Over the next eight weeks, BTS worked relentlessly as their tour rapidly approached. Between dance practice, TV appearances, MC jobs, vocal practice, tour promotions, and releasing their new album, the boys and their staff had been extremely busy. However, this hadn't stopped Jimin and you from getting closer. You spent basically all of your free time together, both on your own and with the other boys. Almost everyday whether it was for lunch, after rehearsals, during a 5 minute break, or on a rare day off, you and Bangtan were together. You often traveled with them to appearances and interviews, and you had all quickly become very close friends. Jimin had told all the members of his feelings for you, and none of them had had a problem with it. In fact, they were very happy for Jimin when about a week after you met, you and he officially started dating. However, this was not public knowledge. The members knew, and they had also informed management, but they hadn't told the rest of the world. Surprisingly, Big Hit had no problem with a member dating someone publicly, be it handled professionally, but the trouble lay with the media and the sasaeng fans.

A few days after Jungkook had posted the video of you and him dancing, an article was released with paparazzi pictures of you, Jimin, and Jungkook out at the sushi place together. The way everything was presented, it looked like you and Jungkook were in a relationship. Although JK had posted on Twitter and said in interviews that you were just friends, the rumors were still flying, and you ended up getting a lot of hate for it, mainly because of the age difference and the fact that you were his teacher. After deactivating your twitter and voicing your concerns and feelings to Jimin, he suggested you keep things quiet for the time being. He hated seeing you upset, and he would do whatever he had to to keep that from happening anymore.

Eventually the day came when it was time for BTS to leave for the Love Yourself: Tear World Tour, and everyone was buzzing with excitement. They were in the lobby of the dorm early in the morning, waiting for the vans that were going to transport everyone to the airport. Jimin was sitting sleepily on the couch with his luggage by his side when you made your way into the lobby. He smiled at you as you shuffled over, yawning and dragging a suitcase along. "Good morning, jagiya." Jimin said, patting the spot next to him for you to sit. However, you ignored that and took a seat in his lap instead, resting your head in the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around you. "Did you get any sleep?" You only grunted in reply as Jimin chuckled. He had learned pretty early on that it was almost impossible to talk to you for at least an hour after you woke up at what you considered to be "the ass crack of dawn." This was a southern saying Jimin found extremely cute. So instead of talking he just sat and held you to his chest. Jimin couldn't keep the smile off his face as his girlfriend snuggled up to him. Oh yeah thats right, she's my girlfriend, he thought with pride. Jimin stroked your hair as you let out a sigh of contentment, sending a shiver down his spine. Jimin leaned his head down and nuzzled his face into your hair. "Mmmm, you smell good."

"It's coconut oil. I did a hair mask last night. The air in the plane is gonna be so dry." You mumbled into his neck. "You smell good too."

"Thank you, sweetheart." Jimin cooed, moving his hands to rub your back. He moved his hands soothingly up and down your back, enjoying the feeling of his hands on your soft shirt. You moaned slightly in pleasure, immediately making Jimin blush. He didn't often hear these sounds from you, as you hadn't had sex yet. Yes, there had been many, many heated kisses, make outs, grinding, and various snuggles, but thats as far as the relationship had gotten. It's not that you had been waiting for any particular reason, you just hadn't talked about it or really found the right moment yet. Jimin cleared his throat and whispered into her ear. "You can't make those kind of noises and not expect me to notice baby."

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