Chapter 6: The Pressure Of The Public Eye

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Best Friend!Jungkook | ANGST but then Fluff/Smut
Warnings: Fan hate | Anxiety attack | Mention of self harm & coping | Intercourse | Unprotected sex |
Word Count: 7.1k

A/N: This chapter starts off with a lot of angst but it gets better. Once again there is a lot of talk about anxiety, anxiety attacks, and mentions if cutting, so please don't read if you think it will trigger you.
Here are links.
Jimin's tweet-

"Alright, everyone calm down." Namjoon called over all the voices filling the room. "We go onstage in twenty minutes, and none of this can be resolved right now." You had your head in your hands and you were shaking and silently crying. You were completely overwhelmed with what was happening. Jungkook had shown everyone the article. The members were angry that something like this had been published, clearly an invasion of privacy, and everyone was upset and concerned about your wellbeing.

"Where did all these photos even come from?" Yoongi asked as he paced around the room, ignoring Namjoon.

"Most are from the night (y/n) and I took the train home from the pub." Jungkook said. "I never even noticed anyone taking pictures."

"People can get really sneaky about that." V said softly from his seat on the couch.

"Guys, we have to get ready to go onstage." Namjoon urged. You knew he was concerned about you, but it was his job as the leader to take charge in situations like this.

"How can you even THINK about the show at a time like this?" Jimin practically roared at Namjoon, tears falling down his own face. He was absolutely crushed that this was happening to you.

You finally spoke after half an hour of silently crying, your head still in your hands. "Jimin, don't yell at Joon."

Jimin turned back to you, shocked that you were suddenly being verbal. "(Y/n), what do you need? What can I do?" He pleaded, his hands desperately trying to find a way to comfort you without being overstimulating.

"You can go put on a show." You said, finally lifting your head.

"What? No way, I'm not leaving your side until we resolve this." Jimin said with determination, clenching his fists.

"Jimin, Namjoon is right. We can't do anything right now. And you have thousands of people waiting for you." You reached for his hand and he held it in both of his own. "And you know what they say. The show must go on."

"Baby... I don't want to leave you here alone." You watched as another tear rolled down Jimin's cheek. You were so touched at his concern and his empathy. This man truly loves me with his whole heart, you thought.

"I know you don't Jimin. But I won't be alone. I can stay here with the staff, I will be fine." You reached over and wiped a tear off of his face. "I need you to go give your all onstage. That's how you can help me right now."

Jimin bowed his head and took a few deep breaths. You looked at Namjoon who gave you a reassuring smile, knowing you were sacrificing your true feelings to make sure that this concert happened. Suddenly Jimin's head snapped back up and he had a fierce look in his eyes as he looked at you. "I will go out and do my best, and the second that the concert is over I will be at your side (y/n). And I swear I won't leave it again until you are okay."

"Okay." You said, placing a hand on his cheek. "Thank you Jimin."

He leaned in and kissed you rather intensely for a moment before pulling back. "I love you so much Noona. I promise I will find a way to fix this."

"I love you too Jimin." You watched as the boys started filing out to get mic'd, Namjoon waiting by the door for everyone to go. Jungkook squeezed your shoulder on the way out, and finally Jimin had no choice but to stand up and leave you behind. He paused at the door and turned back to look at you one more time. "Its okay babe. Go." You said. You could feel the waves of emotion coming back to push you over the edge, and you begged for Jimin to go so you could lose it in peace. Finally he turned and left the room, followed quickly by Namjoon.

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