Chapter 7: Eternal Love

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Best Friend!Jungkook | FLUFF/Smut
Warnings: Noona Kink | Dirty talk | Oral/giving & receiving | Hair pulling | Cursing
Word Count: 7.5k

A/N: This chapter is PURE FLUFF with just a little smut. Like so much fluff I'm gagging lmao but my heart went uwu so much when I was writing this, I hope you love it as much as I do. Y'all deserve a break form the angst lmao
(Y/N)s tweet -

"Jimin, what on EARTH did you do?" Jimin heard you call from the other room. The hotel in Paris was extravagant, and you had a suit with a separate bedroom off the sitting area and a balcony with a breathtaking view. Jimin was laying on the couch next to his bags while you unpacked in the other room. "Park Jimin!"

"Yes my love?" Jimin called nonchalantly.

You came around the corner holding your phone with a murderous look on your face. "'Your theories are correct?' '(Y/n) and I are dating?'"

"You said you were okay with going public." Jimin said, smirking as you came over and grabbed a pillow.

"Not! By! A! Tweet!" You said, punctuating each word with a pillow hit to Jimin. "What am I gonna do when this blows up?"

"But the fans love you jagiya." Jimin said, raising his arm to defend against the beating you were trying to give him with the throw pillow.He was giggling, and to be honest he didn't think you seemed THAT upset. "And I thought it would be easier on you if you were asleep when the first waves hit." Jimin said, sitting up when you stopped hitting him. "Are you really mad?"

"Yes!" you said in a huff. But then you plopped down next to Jimin on the couch, letting out a sigh. "No. Its just...I was kinda hoping for a cute selfie or something. My nails aren't even done in the picture you posted, they're still gross form when I chewed them off last week."

"Well do you wanna take a selca now?" Jimin asked, draping an arm around your shoulders.

"Right now? I look like crap, I've been on a bus for 6 hours, I haven't even showered yet." You protested.

"I think you look amazing." Jimin said, leaning over to kiss your lips. You smiled into the kiss and Jimin brushed some hair off your face. "Lets take a picture jagi."

"Fine." You said as Jimin pulled out his phone. The two of you got into position and Jimin snapped a quick picture. "Let me see," you said as he lowered his arm. "Thats cute but... lets take another one." Jimin lifted his arm again, but this time before he took the picture he turned his head and pressed his lips to your cheek.

"I like these, I'm gonna tweet both of them." Jimin said. You leaned your head on his shoulder as he opened twitter and typed out a caption. 'Made it safely from...London to Paris! XD Get it? #AirplanePt2 #JIMIN #(Y/N) #BarefacedBeauties #IsntSheBeautiful?'

"Aw, thats so cute babe." You said, watching as he posted it. You leaned back and yawned. "I'm tired. I'm gonna take a shower."

"I think you mean we are gonna take a shower." Jimin said, hopping up and following you into your room.

"Ugh babe, I can't decide which one of us is more horny." You said with a giggle as Jimin slipped his hands under your shirt and started pulling it over your head.

"Oh it's definitely you Noona." Jimin said, attaching his lips to your neck. You melted into his touch and whined at the pet name. "See, all I have to do is call you Noona and you're ready to jump my bones." Jimin's hands made their way to your waist and he pulled you close to him. "I wonder how wet I can get you just by using my words."

"Shit, babe, at this rate we're not gonna make it to the shower." You whined as you reached for the hem of Jimin's shirt. He lifted his harms over his head and let you take it off. You reached for the hem of his sweats and pulled them down to the floor in one swift motion. Jimin watched as your eyes bulged at the sight of his throbbing cock. "No underwear?"

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