Chapter 9: Return Of The Ex

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Best Friend!Jungkook | some smut and then ANGST ANGST ANGST
Warnings: Cursing | Drinking | Noona Kink | Dirty talk | Public Sex | Grinding | Unprotected Sex | Light Thigh Riding | Very Hateful Words | Fighting | Violence |
Word Count: 7.2k

A/N: Y'all this chapter was EMOTIONAL! It starts off cute but gets hard. These next couple chapters are definitely the climax of the story so only a few chapters left after this. There is a lot of anger and harsh words in this chapter so be prepared.
Jimin's tweet-

Jimin was already two beers deep when you, Jungkook, and Taehyung made it up to the pool. Jimin and Yoongi had all but perfected their recording today, and he was so excited to share it with you. Namjoon stayed for a few hours to listen in, and around noon he left with Hobi to meet Jin and Tae for lunch. Jimin had stayed with Yoongi to help put the finishing touches on the track, and then they had been invited by the other boys to come to the pool. When Jimin went by your shared room to change he noticed that you were gone, probably still with Jungkook. He'd thought about texting you but he didn't want to disturb your time with Kookie, so he was surprised when you and Jungkook showed up at the pool.

"I thought you and Kookie were gaming it up today?" Jimin asked as you came over to embrace him.

"We were, but getting drunk at the pool with the guys definitely trumps Overwatch." you said, snuggling into his chest and pressing a kiss to his bare skin.

While Jimin was hugging you he thought he caught a whiff of smoke again. What the hell... "Do you smell that (y/n)? It smells like..."

"I can't hear you Jimin, I'm too busy jumping in!" You said as you stripped off your lace coverup and tossed it in his face before cannon balling into the pool. Jimin was quickly and easily distracted by you coming up out of the water, dripping wet and in your two piece, high waisted bathing suit. The bottoms were black and the top was floral with yellow and pink hibiscus stitched across the fabric. You sauntered over to him, your body glistening in the sun, and in his tipsy state he couldn't keep his eyes off of your swinging hips and breasts that were almost spilling out of your top. "How many drinks in are you?" You asked Jimin.

"Wh-what?" He asked, shaking himself mentally. "Uh, like two or three."

"Well then I definitely have some catching up to do. JUNGKOOK-SSI!" You called him from where he was splashing around in the pool, dousing a very grumpy looking Yoongi.

"WHAT?" He yelled back, flinging his hair out of his face damatically.

"Come shotgun a beer with me!" You said, walking over to the cooler and pulling out two cans of beer. Jungkook quickly hopped out of the pool where the others were enjoying the cool water on the hot day, drinks in hand. Jimin sat down on a lounge chair as you handed Jungkook a can and picked up your keys off the table, expertly cutting holes in both of the cans. "On three okay? Babe, you judge who's faster."

"Got it." Jimin said, still unable to take his eyes off of you.

"Hey thats not fair, he's your boyfriend! We need an impartial judge!" Jungkook protested.

"Come on Kook, Jimin can be impartial. Right babe?" You asked, winking at him and popping a hip out. Jimin nodded and laughed as Jungkook rolled this eyes at you both. "Besides, its not going to be close. You're gonna get creamed."

"Oh, bring it on hoe!" Jungkook trash talked.

"Hey, don't call my girlfriend a hoe!" Jimin protested.

"Jimin, focus." You said, getting into position. "Okay, ready? One...two...three!" And with that you and Jungkook stabbed holes in the cans and drank as much and as fast as you could. Jimin watched you in awe. You chugged like a true frat boy, and honesty it was turning Jimin on. Why am I aroused by (Y/n) chugging a beer? Jimin wondered vaguely. He wasn't even shocked when you beat Jungkook, just impressed. "HA! Who's getting their ass kicked now, BITCH!" You said, throwing your empty beer can at him. You laughed so hard at Jungkook's betrayed expression, and Jimin started cracking up when your expression went from boasting to fearful as Jungkook came after you.

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