Chapter 5: Trouble In Paradise

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Best Friend!Jungkook | a little Fluff & Smut then ANGST
Warnings: Oral giving/receiving | Intercourse | Unprotected sex | Cursing | Noona Kink | Dirty Talk | Spanking | Slight Sub/Dom play | Mention of anxiety/depression | Anxiety attack | Fan hate |
Word Count: 8k

A/N: As someone with anxiety, i did my best to describe an attack without going too into detail. I don't want to trigger anyone so please just be aware. Things are about to get emotional. Also this fic is quickly becoming a best friend!Jungkook fic, and I'm here for it

"Hyung, this is so great." Jimin said. He was in Yoongi's room listening to the demo of the song Yoongi had written for him. Both of them had sobered up rather quickly after a few cups of coffee. "I can't believe you wrote this song for me to sing."

"I felt like it really fit your style." Yoongi replied, leaning back in his chair. "And I feel like you can portray a love song really well. Do you have anything you want me to add before we start the recording process?"

Jimin thought for a moment. "I know this might sound strange, but do you think you could change more of the lyrics to english? Maybe like....all of them?"

"Really?" Yoongi asked, his expression skeptical. "Typically the fan's like the ratio of eighty/twenty hangul/english."

"I know, but I want this song to be...special." Jimin said with a smile. "I want to do something for our international fans."

"Is that the only reason you want it to be in english?" Yoongi asked with a quirk of his eyebrow. "You didn't have anyone else in mind?"

"Well, it is a love song after all." Jimin said, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "If I want it to be authentic I should think of someone I love when I sing it."

"And obviously that person is (y/n)." Yoongi said, interlocking his fingers over his lap.

"Obviously." Jimin agreed, letting the smile through. "In fact, I was wondering if we could keep this little project quiet for now? I'd love to surprise (y/n) with it once we've got it perfect."

"Yeah, sure Jimin. I can keep a secret." Yoongi said.

"I know Hyung. We STILL don't know the passcode to your studio."

"And you never will." Yoongi said, closing his tabs and shutting his computer. Yoongi spun around to look at Jimin who was seated on his bed. "So."

"So?" Jimin echoed.

"How's the sex?"

"Aaaaaaaaand I'm outa here!" Jimin sprang up and rushed towards the door, grabbing his bag. Clearly he's not that sober.

"I was just kidding!" Yoongi called after Jimin but he shut the door on him anyway.

Jimin chuckled as he made his way down the hallway to the elevator. Yoongi is such a perv sometimes. He laughed to to himself and hit the up button on the elevator. I can't wait to get started on the song though. Jimin wanted to tell someone else and immediately thought of Jungkook. He started heading to his room. Oh wait, I don't have my key, Jimin remembered. In his rush to leave this morning he had left the key card. He went to check his phone to text JK and then remembered it was dead. Oh well, I'm sure Kook is still up, its only like one in the morning. He stepped out of the elevator as it reached his floor and walked towards the room. He slowed however when he heard muffled shouts coming from what he thought might be his door. What the...

Jimin quickened his pace and knocked loudly when he reached the door. "Jungkook? What's going on, let me in."

"DIE!" he heard through the door. Wait was that...

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