Chapter 8: That's What Friends Are For

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Best Friend!Jungkook | Angst w/ a little fluff
Warnings: Smoking | Anxiety | Cursing
Word Count: 7.3k

A/N: Mentions of smoking cigarettes and anxiety. Please don't read if you think it will trigger you. The tension is building, getting ready for the main angst of the story. But don't worry, this chapter is only mild angst, and some cute best friend!Jungkook.

"Dude, I'm telling you, they came up to take a picture with me! They said they'd seen my videos!" You said from your seat on Jungkook's bed. You were in his and Taehyung's room, but Tae was out eating with Jimin and Hoseok right now. You were sitting there crosslegged, barefaced with glasses, in sweats and one of Jimin's hoodies, eating pork rinds out of a huge bag with chopsticks. Basically you looked a hot mess.

"Wait, what videos?" Jungkook asked. He was sitting at his desk in the corner, setting up his laptop for a solo V Live.

"I have a youtube channel where I used to post like vlogs and choreo videos." You said, munching away.

"Seriously?" Jungkook asked, spinning around in his chair so fast it gave you whiplash. "You have a youtube channel?"


"What's it called." He asked, opening a new tab on his computer and pulling up youtube.

"I don't know why you want to look at my choreo videos, I dance in front of y'all like every day." You said, coming over to the desk.

"Cause I wanna see if you have anything embarrassing on there." Jungkook said with a mischievous look. You rolled your eyes but told him the name anyway.

You moved away from him back to the bed. "Hey do you have any drinks in here?"

"Yeah check the mini-fridge." Jungkook said. You hopped off the bed again and over to the fridge, opening the door.

"Damn Kookie, why do you have so many drinks in here?" You asked, shaking your head and rummaging around.

"I dunno, I get thirsty." He said with a shrug, pulling up your channel and scrolling through videos.

"You want anything?" You asked as you pulled out some matcha milk tea.

"Yeah, I think I have a banana milk in the back." You reached around and found it, puling the drinks out and closing the fridge.

"Where did you even find these here?" You asked as you handed him the drink.

"I don't know, management always has some for us." He said, opening the straw and stabbing the juice box.

"L-M-A-O you're so spoiled." You laughed, mussing his hair.

Jungkook ducked his head and shook you off, pushing you back with a grin. "Shut up and drink your tea." You laughed as you watched Jungkook scroll and choose a video, a choreo you had done to Havana by Camila Cabello. "Damn, this is good (y/n)!" Jungkook said, admiring your moves.

"Thanks Kookie." You said with a smile. You both watched the video to the end and then another one came up on autoplay. "Oh, this is my cover of the three J dance you did with Hobi and Jimin."

"Whaaaaaat?" Jungkook said, looking stoked as you came onscreen and followed their moves perfectly.

You smiled at his expression. "I was into you guys way before I started working for BigHit." You said with a shrug. You finished the video and smiled as Jungkook raved at your moves.

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