Chapter 12: Home Isn't Always A Place, Sometimes It's A Person

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Best Friend!Jungkook | FLUFF/Smut
Warnings: Mention of Anxiety/Depression | Dirty Talk | Daydreaming of sex | Unprotected Sex | Noona Kink |
Word Count: 7.4k

A/N: Hey guys, I know it has taken me a while to post this chapter but school has started again and I've been really busy. Plus this chapter was really hard to write because I wanted to give y'all everything you deserve from the story. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and left kudos. I have loved writing this story and I hope y'all have loved reading it! This is the last chapter before a short epilogue. I hope you enjoy!

You finally landed in Seoul at 6:37am KST. You made your way gratefully off of the plane and into the terminal. You were so glad to be on solid ground, and you couldn't wait to fall into a soft, warm bed. But first you had to make your way to baggage claim and find your luggage. You walked quickly and with determination, keeping your head low and hoping your facemask and cap would keep you from getting recognized. The last thing you needed right now was to be mobbed by fans or paparazzi in the middle of the airport without any bodyguards.

You made your way out of the terminal and around a corner and were shocked by how crowded it was. What's going on? No one knew I was coming back to Seoul... You noticed all the cameras and the loud cries from the crowd, but they were farther away form you. You realized there must be another K-Pop group arriving. You started to feel anxious and hugged the wall as much as possible as you made your way through the crowd, hoping to avoid the chaos. You heard girls screaming suddenly and you turned your attention behind you, where you could just see the members of BLACKPINK exiting the terminal, surrounded by people. So that explains all the fangirls, you thought. You took the opportunity of their diverted attention to escape, making it into an elevator just before the doors closed. You let out a sigh of relief as the noise of the terminal quickly faded.

You went down three floors, exited the elevator, and followed the signs to the baggage claim. You stood under the high screen looking for your flight number and converter belt number. Just as you were starting to feel overwhelmed because you couldn't find the right number, you caught sight of the couple who had been sitting next to you on the plane. With a sigh of relief you followed them to the correct track. Your eyes scanned the rows of black bags as they started coming out of the chute, looking for your two purple suitcases with their bright, rainbow luggage tags. I just want to get out of here... you thought, rubbing your temples. I still haven't heard back from Yuma, so I guess I'm just going back to my studio apartment... You heaved a big sigh just as you caught a glimpse of a rainbow luggage tag. You started to make your way through the crowd, slipping through other tired passengers, and right as you pulled your bag off of the conveyer belt, your phone started ringing from inside your purse. "God dammit." You muttered, stepping back with one bag and digging through your purse, looking for the annoying ringing thing. You finally found the phone and answered it without looking at who was calling.

You froze in place when you heard the voice on the other end of the line. "Hello? (Y/n), are you there?" It was Jimin!

At the realization that it was your boyfriend calling, your entire body relaxed, and you felt so much weight lift off of your shoulders. "Hey babe." You let out like a sigh, your voice a little shaky.

"(Y/n)...its so good to hear your voice." Jimin said with so much emotion that you felt yourself tearing up in the middle of the crowd. "Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah, I just landed like twenty minutes ago, I'm at baggage claim. But I can't find my other suitcase..." You said, scanning the conveyer belt for your second bag while juggling your phone, suitcase, bag, and trying to wipe tears from your eyes.

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