Chapter 13: Epilogue

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Best friend!Jungkook | Fluff
Warnings: Your heart might burst with love
Word Count: 1.3k

A/N: Wow. I can't believe its over! I cried when I finished writing this short chapter. Sincerely, thank you to everyone for your kind words and kudos. I hope you enjoyed the story. Saranghae <3

Jimin ended up staying with you for the whole week. You'll always remember those 7 days as some of the best of your life. They rest of the boys had remained abroad, exploring Europe in their time off, so you and Jimin had had all the time completely to yourselves. At first you'd barely left the bedroom, completely wrapped up in each other. But after the two of you finally left the comfort of your apartment, you'd gotten to explore the city together. Jimin took you to all his favorite places in Seoul. Restaurants, cute shops and cafes, secluded parks, a beautiful spot by the Han river where you had a picnic. You couldn't have asked for a better way to spend a week off.

A day or two before the both of you were supposed to return to tour, Jungkook posted the video of Jimin and Yoongi singing for her. live in Frankfurt. Jungkook called the video G. F. C. for her. and it gained 20 million views in 24 hours. With everything you'd been dealing with, you hadn't been keeping up with social media, so the video was the first time you'd heard the song. You couldn't believe how unbelievable sweet it was. The first time you heard it you burst into tears. Jimin held you tightly afterwards, once again surprised at your sincere reaction. You couldn't stop thanking and kissing him. Jimin really was defying all of your expectations of what a good man was.

Since you'd gotten approval from your doctor to return to work, you and Jimin rejoined the rest of the boys and staff in Europe for what turned out to be an amazing tour. After a few bumps in the beginning, the rest of the tour went very smoothly. The American and Japanese legs both complete successes. While in America, You'd introduced Jimin to your family. While he was extremely nervous, they absolutely loved him. He'd learned a lot of english phrases just for the meeting, and you couldn't have been happier with how it all went. You'd truly felt like you'd found your soulmate. Now, after months of traveling, everyone was back home and Jimin was finally moving in with you.

"Is that the last of them?" You asked hopefully, looking over at Taehyung as he set down a rather heavy box next to the pile on your bed. He was followed closely behind by Jungkook and Jimin, both carrying equally heavy boxes. Hobi, Jin, and Namjoon were currently in the kitchen cooking dinner for everyone, and Yoongi was in the restroom.

"Jeez hyung, what the hell is in here?" Jungkook asked, huffing as he dropped his box on top of Taehyung's.

"I think these are the shoes..." Jimin said, looking at the label on the side as he, unlike Jungkook, gently sat his box down. He lifted his shirt to wipe sweat off his face and you caught a glimpse of his toned stomach and v lines that were peaking over the top of his briefs.

You shook yourself after a moment, clearing your head. "Babe, how is it you have more shoes then I do?" You asked, rather exasperated. "I don't think we're going to have enough room for all of your clothes and mine in the closet..."

Suddenly Yoongi emerged from your bathroom, wearing your fluffy pink robe over his clothes and a pair of your slippers. "(Y/n), Jimin is well know for his fashion. I would expect nothing less then for him to have more clothes then his girlfriend." All the boys stared open mouthed at Yoongi as he made his way across the room to your dresser, where he finally paused and took a look at everyone. "What?"

"Yoongi! Why are you wearing my robe?" You asked, cracking up at how absolutely comfortable he looked.

He simply shrugged as he turned to open your top dresser drawer. "It looked soft." You and the boys watched him in disbelief as he proceeded to go through your clothes. "(Y/n), is this your panty drawer?"

"HYUNG!" Jimin yelled. "Get out of there!"

Jimin went beet red as Yoongi lifted one of your red thongs out of the drawer. "Ooo, lacy!"

"YOONGI NO!" Jimin's hands immediately flew to cover Jungkook and Tae's eyes. "You two out! (Y/n), do something!"

You were too busy laughing your ass off to be embarrassed like Jimin, but you did go over to Yoongi and take your underwear out of his hand and put it back in the drawer. "Yoongi stop, you're gonna make Jimin cry."

"Thats the point." Yoongi mumbled, smiling his gummy smile as he watched Jimin shove Jungkook and Taehyung out of the room.

Jimin immediately turned on Yoongi once they were gone. "YOU! Take off my lover's robe and get out of our room!"

"Okay, okay, calm down." Yoongi laughed as he took off the robe and handed it to you before exiting the bedroom to join the others. Jimin grumbled as he shut the door behind him.

You tried not to laugh at how embarrassed Jimin was as you tossed the robe on the bed. "Babe, don't you think you were a little hard on them?"

"He was wearing your clothes and touching your underwear!" Jimin huffed, his hands making fists of frustration. You came over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. Jimin hesitantly returned your hug, eventually resting his chin on your head and mumbling, "I'm the only one who gets to touch your underwear."

"Okay baby." You said, lifting your head to meet his gaze. "How about a 'no boys' rule for our bedroom?"

Jimin smiled and leaned down to kiss your lips. "As long as I'm still allowed."

"Of course Jimin. You're not a boy, you're a man. You're my man." You tiled your head to catch his lips again, and the two of you shared a long kiss. Just as Jimin was easing his hands under the back of your shirt, there was a knock at the door.

"Hey when y'all are done doing it, dinner's ready!" Yoongi called. You laughed as Jimin's eyes narrowed again and he let you go to open the bedroom door. Yoongi was still standing there, and seeing Jimin's expression he quickly ran away, hiding behind Hoseok. "I was kidding!"

You smiled as you followed Jimin out of the bedroom and shut the door behind you. "Okay guys, new rule, no boys allowed in the bedroom."

"Hey, doesn't that include Jimin?" Tae asked from his seat next to Jungkook on the couch.

"No it does not. I am a man." Jimin said, cuffing Tae in the back of the head as he walked by towards the kitchen. "And before any of you say something, who's the one in a long term relationship here?" Tae frowned as he rubbed the back of his head, and Jimin gave everyone death glares. You had to hold in your laughter yet again.

You watched quietly as the boys got into an argument about who was a real man, and it ended with Jungkook arm wrestling Tae, Yoongi, and Namjoon. Of course the muscle pig Jungkook won, and you laughed as he staked his claim as the 'realist man' among the group. Jin was setting the table with food along with the help of Hoseok and ignoring his rowdy children.

Your heart felt so full, watching your little family fill your home with noise. You couldn't wait to start this next part of your life with Jimin. He also watched the activity, and when your eyes met across the room, he smiled at you lovingly. You returned his smile and winked, mouthing 'I love you.'

Jimin's face lit up, and he blushed lightly as he sent you a finger hear and mouthed back, 'I love you too.'

You sighed contentedly as you thought to yourself, How did I get so lucky?


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