Chapter 2: New Friends

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Fluff/Angst
Warnings: Dirty Jokes

Word Count: 7.4k

You were saying goodbye to Suga as you walked over to the bench and sat down. "Great job today Yoongi, I was really impressed with your hard work." He had told you to call him by his real name and you took him up on it.

"Thanks (y/n), you're a great teacher. Although I was surprised I could concentrate at all with you in those shorts." He flashed a gummy smile. "Like damn, girl."

"Don't get me started on your own fine ass Min Yoongi, or should I say Agust-I-got-a-big-D!" You both laughed and you pushed him playfully. You had quickly realized that you and Yoongi were the same, at least when it came to being flirty with your friends. You were comfortable with the jokes and cat calling, and you sent it right back at him.

"Man, you're crazy (y/n)! Text me later and we can figure out when to watch Tokyo Ghoul?" Yoongi asked, picking up his bag from next to you on the bench. You had also discovered that you both loved anime.

"Yeah! I can't wait, I've been meaning to watch that one for a while." You smiled at each other. "If you see Jimin waiting in the hall would you send him in?"

"Sure, no problem. See you later, sexy!" Suga winked and walked out of the studio, leaving you alone.

You leaned back against the wall and took some deep breaths. One of the first things you had been doing each session was exchange phone numbers with the members. You always preferred to have direct contact with anyone you were working with, and cell phones were the best way to reach everyone under the age of 60 nowadays. You had already seen 5 of the boys this morning, and you were getting pretty tired. 5 hours straight of dancing was exhausting. You felt a little bad for Jimin and Jungkook, because they were last on your schedule and you wouldn't be as fresh as you had been this morning. I ate breakfast when, around seven thirty? And it's one o'clock now. I should really take a break... but I'm scheduled straight through until three... Jimin entered the studio quietly as you were sitting there, your eyes still shut and your hands folded neatly in your lap.

"(Y/n)?" Jimin called as he approached.

You popped an eye open to appraise him and then shut it again slowly, smiling. "Hello Jiminie." You said, sitting back up with a sigh. "Is it okay if I call you that? I heard some of the boys doing it earlier."

"Of course. We have lots of nicknames for each other, you're welcome to use any of mine." He said, smiling. You nodded but didn't get up, so Jimin sat next to you and opened his bag to pull out a water bottle. "Are you tired? Do you need a break?"

"Oh no, I don't want to take away from your time. I'll have a break in a few hours when I'm done with Jungkook and I can eat something." You said, standing up from the bench and stretching, moving to stand in front of him.

"Wait you haven't eaten lunch yet?" You shook your head. "Then here, I brought something, please sit and eat for a moment." He said, fishing a banana out of his bag.

"Oh no, I'm fine, its no big deal." You said, waving your hand at him dismissively.

"No, I insist. Eat the banana." Jimin said, handing it to you. You were honestly too hungry to protest anymore so you peeled it open and took a bite.

"Ok then, tell me about your past training so we don't waist time." You said, talking around the food. "What styles do you feel most comfortable dancing in?" You took another bite and chewed while Jimin thought for a moment.

"Well hip-hop obviously. I feel I've gotten quite good at it over the years. I already told you about my modern dance training, and I've been using that more often lately. I also had some ballet training when I was in school, basic things like positions and jumps and stuff." Jimin said, his brow furrowing cutely as he thought. "I also know some ballroom styles, waltz, tango... and probably some more I'm forgetting."

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