Chapter 10: Tough Decisions

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Best Friend!Jungkook | ANGST
Warnings: Anxiety | Thoughts of suicide | Mention of Self Harm | Disassociation | Smoking | Cursing
Word Count: 7.3k

A/N: i know everything is really dark right now but i promise it will get better. Every good story needs some angst.
Sorry its taking me longer to post but i've been really busy because school is about to start again.

Jimin very quietly tiptoed out of your bedroom and shut the door, coming over to the couch where Jungkook, Yoongi, and Tae were all sitting. "Is she asleep?" Jungkook asked quietly.

"Yeah, she's finally out." Jimin said, collapsing into a chair next to Jungkook.

After Feng had finally been thrown out by security, Jimin and Jungkook had picked you up off the floor and with Jinyong's help, gotten you back to the hotel along with the rest of the boys. All of the press for the day had been cancelled after the incident. Once back in the room, Jimin had gotten you into bed and laid with you and held you as you cried and cried. He wrapped his arms around you, stroked your hair, rubbed your back, sang softly to you, and told you he loved you over and over again. It was a long time before your sobs turned into silent tears, and a while after that until your body finally shut down and you fell asleep. While Jimin had stayed with you, the boys had been in and out, wanting to be near to you just incase they could help. Right now Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok were out getting food for everyone. Jungkook was icing his knuckles as he waited anxiously for an update form Jimin, and Yoongi and Tae wanted to be close to you for moral support.

"This is partly my fault." Jungkook said, pain clear in his voice. "(Y/n) told me about Feng calling her. I told her to talk to you about it but I should have said something. Maybe if I had, this wouldn't have happened-"

"No, Jungkook." Yoongi said, dismissing his concerns. "It would've been wrong of you to betray (Y/n)'s trust. Besides it's too late to change anything now, and I'm sure Jimin isn't upset with you."

"He's right Jungkook, I'm not angry at you. In fact, I'm grateful for that hit you got in. It was so great seeing that fucker get put in his place." Jimin said. "Is your hand okay?"

"It's going to be fine. I'll gladly take the pain." Jungkook said, adjusting his ice pack.

"I can't believe the two of you hit him." Taehyung said, shaking his head slightly.

"You didn't hear what he was saying about (Y/n)." Jungkook said. "He started cussing her out and then when he grabbed her-" He paused, clenching his fists in anger. "I just lost it."

"Both of us did." Jimin agreed.

"I hope he doesn't try and file charges or something." Tae said.

"Let him fucking try." Jimin replied, sitting up straighter. "I'd love to see him go up against our lawyers." They sat quietly for a moment, the mood somber. Everyone was concerned about you and just wanted to make sure they did whatever they could to help you.

Eventually the rest of the boys came back with food. They had gotten Panda Express at Taehyung's request and he was a happy baby when they passed out the food and chopsticks. "Thank you hyungs!" Tae said as he stuffed is face.

Everyone started to dig in. With everything that had happened today no one had eaten anything since lunch and it was late. So they all ate quietly for a while. Eventually J Hope spoke up. "How is (y/n) doing?"

Jimin swallowed before speaking. "Not so good. She cried for a while and eventually fell asleep."

"I can't believe that guy showed up thinking you wouldn't know who he was." Jin said.

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