Chapter 4: Humping Like Bunnies

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Pairing: Jimin/Chubby Reader | Fluff/Smut
Warnings: Mention of self harm scars | Masturbation | Oral giving/receiving | Cursing | Noona Kink | Dirty Talk
Word Count: 8.2k

A/N: 'm loving writing this story! Let me know what you think :) Right after I wrote this chapter they all dyed their hair again so I decided to incorporate that into the story. Blonde Jimin with an undercut is so hot (But i'm gonna miss black haired Jimin a lot) Also when I wrote out the text messages i used emojis, but they don't show up right on here :/ So I guess try and use your imagination on that

The first thing Jimin became aware of when he woke up was that he was naked. He never slept naked, he always at least had briefs on or something. The second thing he realized was that he wasn't alone. Then it all came flooding back suddenly. Last night... with (y/n)... He opened an eye and looked down at the head laying on his chest. She looks so peaceful, he thought to himself as he cracked a morning smile.

Jimin quickly became aware of a morning problem. He looked down to where you were half lying on him, your bare chest pressed against his and your legs wrapped up together. Your thigh was pressing onto his morning wood and he could feel it getting harder by the minute. Jimin didn't know what to do. He didn't want to move and wake you but if he didn't his situation would just get... harder. He tried to wiggle a little out of the way but that DEFINITELY made it worse.

You made a little noise in your sleep and abruptly rolled the opposite direction off of Jimin. Oh thank god, he thought. As he was making his way out of bed however, he noticed something that he hadn't the night before. Long thin white scars on your left leg. He could only barely tell they were there in the right light, but it still hurt Jimin to think about you harming yourself in any way. This is what she was telling me about on the plane, he thought. He considered moving closer to get a proper look, but this felt intrusive and wrong, so he gently pulled the blanket over you instead as he slowly got out of bed.

Jimin had stayed the night in your hotel room and there was no way he was going back to his shared room with Jungkook with morning wood and smelling like sex. So Jimin decided it wouldn't hurt to take care of himself in the shower before you woke up. He made his way into the bathroom and quietly turned on the shower, setting the temperature rather hot. He began lathering himself up and stroking his length while reliving the previous night.

He couldn't believe he had been nervous about having sex with you. As soon as you had pulled him into your room his body had taken over and he felt completely confident that he could please you. And boy did I, he thought smugly to himself. Jimin thought back to how you had basically thrown him on the bed and told him to strip. Something about being bossed around by you really turned him on. And the way you reacted to him calling you Noona? Man would he have to remember that one. She really lost her shit. He couldn't get the image of you laying under him, cheeks flushed and legs spread, out of his head.

Jimin was getting close to his release and was deep in thought as the door opened and you walked into the bathroom. In fact he wasn't aware he wasn't alone until you pulled back the shower curtain and said with your eyes still half closed, "Jimin? I woke up and you weren't there."

Jimin jumped and let out a yelp. "Aigoo, (y/n) you scared me!"

You were still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes when you pulled back the curtain, but when you got a glimpse of him with his hand wrapped around his erection you perked up immediately. "Having a good morning, are we?" Jimin could only blush and turn around to try and hide his shame. "Why are you in here all by yourself?" you asked, and to Jimin's surprise and pleasure you stepped into the shower to join him.

"I didn't want to wake you up." He said, gasping softly as you slid up behind him and wrapped your arms around to stroke him from behind.

"But how can I help with your problem if I'm still asleep?" you asked, pressing your naked body up against his back as you continued to stroke him.

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