Antisepticeye x Child reader

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(Part 1)

(Y/N)'s POV:

       'Tick! Tick!' The sound of the clock's consistent ticking filled the room overpowering the almost deafening silence that filled the cramped room that was proclaimed 'mine'. When you live in an orphanage does anything given to you really class as yours truly?. But I like to think of this room as mine, not because I like it but I've grown accustomed to it. Things grow attached to you when you're constantly in contact with them.

        I'm a 'lost cause' as the caretakers put it since I've been here the longest and have a tendency to scare the public that walk in here. I don't mind really, being alone is something else that I've grown to relish as well, there is no one to whisper deceitful lies into someone's ear about me or aggravate me with their pitiful problems. It's just me and these four walls that surround me, caging me but also keeping me secure from the outside world and it's corrupt inhabitants. I'll admit it gets lonely sometimes, being left to listen to your brains constant chatter and looking at the same scenery over again can grow quite tiring and make my conscious yearn for another person, anything to break the cycle of repetition but over the years I've learned to repress these urges and to stick to my bearings. There is no reason to seek out something I will grow bored with in due time.


       I groggily opened my (E/C) eyes and stared up at the grey,cracked ceiling my mind lost in thought.

      "Get up all of yé!" Ah. Miss Edna, her raspy voice was easy to distinguish compared to the other employees that roam the halls their voices were rather somber compared to the older,miserable woman's. Since my train of thought was inevitably broken, I swung my feet off of my bed pushing the old,dusty quilt off of me in the process. I mumbled curses under my breath as cold air swept over my (S/C) skin causing goosebumps to arise as the cold breeze whipped around harshly irritating my once warm skin.

       I went over to my wardrobe and changed out of my basic night-wear into something more presentable before repeating the rest of my normal morning routine. As I finish brushing my hair and fixing little creases that bugged me in my clothes a harsh knock erupted from my door.
          Blasély, I opened the door to be met with the irritated face of Miss Edna peering down at my smaller form. The anger clearly present in her dull eyes as she seemed to gaze deep within me trying to cast fear into my soul. What a wretched old hag she truly is. 


I would like to apologise to the people who read the original. I know the picture I used for the clothing was not appropriate for the reader's age. I had only just started writing and took inspiration from the few fanfic's that I saw do this at the time and I decided to do it without thinking about how inappropriate it was so I apologise profusely for that. Also decided to take the mask out since it wasn't really needed.

I hope this is an improved version of the original and people like my writing a bit more now.

Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions. Have a nice day/night!

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