Winged adult reader x child septiceyes

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Requested by: Captaincottoncandy

(Y/N)'s POV:

   Bursts of sunlight hit my face through the crack in my blinds making me wake up from the confusing warmth that it casted on my face.

   I groaned and rolled over trying to fall back in to slumber but to no avail I whined again and rolled off my bed onto the wooden floor below with a loud thump. I staggered to my feet, my wings spread as I stretched I heard that satisfying pop of my joints. I went into my bathroom, clothes slung over my arm I set them down upon the counter and started the shower I undressed and stepped under the warm water effectively waking me up.


   I stepped out of the shower, shaking my wings of excess water and got dressed. I went back into my bedroom and set my sleepwear into the washing basket.  

   Suddenly, (F/S) started playing the sound bouncing off the walls informing me that someone was calling me. I rushed to my bedside table and grabbed my phone, glancing at the caller's ID Seán was illuminated on my screen I smiled and answered.

   "Hey Seán. Do you need something?" I asked as cheerfully as I could in the morning.

   "Hi (Y/N). Yeah I do, I need your help... Do you mind coming over? It's something I don't want to explain on the phone" He asked.

   "Sure, I'll be over in 10. See ya." I said while trying to put my shoes on with one hand (which is difficult).

   "Ok,thanks bye!" He said before hanging up. I shoved my phone into my pocket and grabbed my (F/C) (hoodie/coat/jacket etc.) to hide my wings but not before taming my (H/C) nest of hair.

   I rushed downstairs, grabbed my keys and ran out of my front door locking it first of course and jumped into my car before speeding down the road for some unknown reason. (Dramatic reasons)


   I arrived shortly in front of the Septiceye's house. I got out of my car and went towards the front door before knocking everything was uneasily quiet which never happened around here. What was happening?

   Seán finally came to the door his hair was stuck up in different directions and he had little scratch marks on his arm,  I was alarmed at his dishevelled appearance but before I could question it he pulled me inside.

   "Ok let me explain before you speak. Technically the egos I made for the channel came to life but as babies and I called you here to see if you could help as I'm going over LA to see Mark. Do you mind?" He said nervously I thought about it a little and sighed but I couldn't just let a friend down. I chose not to question how fictional characters came to life.

   "Ok I'll do it. But you owe me Jack-A-Boy!" I said with a laugh he smiled widely and hugged me. He looked relieved.

   "Thank you so much (Y/N)!" He said just before a car pulled up. Seán grabbed his bags and walked to the car, waving. I stood at the door frame and waved before closing it and sighing.

   'Let's hope I'm alive by the time he comes back' I thought with a grin on my face from my stupid joke. I walked into the front room to see a play crib with all the egos asleep.

   'Huh? So that's why it was so quiet' I thought before tip toeing to the kitchen to make my self some dirty bean water (Dem Dirty Beans) I brewed the pot and sat at the table the house was so boring without any noise. I'm probably not going to be saying that soon though.

(6/1/21)- EDITED

Didn't really add much to this. Just fixed some spelling errors I caught eye of and made some of the sentences make sense. And obviously added paragraphs since those didn't seem to exist to 2018 me 🤦🏻‍♂️

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