Robbie The Zombie x reader

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(Y/N)'s POV:

   I was running from...I don't even know anymore they aren't human that I know for sure. I feel like I've been running down this same road forever, all sense of time disappeared rather quick. When will this nightmare end?

   My lungs started burning harshly 'I really need to find somewhere to rest' I thought to my self in sheer panic. I could hear their aggravating moaning getting louder which means they were getting closer.

   I felt my legs giving way and my breathing become uneven 'I can't keep running' and as if on cue I fell to my knees and closed my eyes accepting my fate. I waited for the walkers to chow down on me but it never happened.
I opened my eyes in confusion to see a purple haired zombie in front of them luring them away, they all wandered aimlessly in the opposite direction.

   The zombie turned around to face me and...smiled? To be honest he is cute in his own way. I know what your saying 'But he's a zombie' well get over it.  When I snapped back into reality from the argument with myself he was right in front of me on his knees staring and smiling at me with a dorky grin I had to laugh.

   "W-what's your n-ame?" He asked, his throat was severely damaged so I don't blame the way he talked.

   "(Y/N) what about you?" I asked with a smile I feel like I can trust him he did save me after all.

   "Me R-robbie" He pointed to himself as he said it.

   "Well hello robbie" I said trying to be nice and positive.  (PMA!! Ok I'll leave) We both got off our knees and started walking the direction I was heading. It was silent for a while not awkward silence but 'yep i don't have anything to say' kinda silence.


   We came to a clearing I was confused but like I said before I trust him but I don't trust this area it was eerily quiet to much for my liking. I look over at Robbie to see him looking scared that just freaks me out more.

   Suddenly a herd of zombies come out of nowhere and surrounded us just when I thought things would turn around at one point. I think Robbie was trying to negotiate with them but they weren't listening to him. Robbie taps me on the shoulder I turn around still petrified as they were coming really close too close for comfort he points to my arm. I get what he is insinuating but I'm still nervous.

   "T-there isn't a w-ay out." I knew it was true. I stuck my arm out for him, he got the hint but looked up at me as if to say 'Are you sure?' I nodded and with that his teeth sunk into my flesh making a cringey squelch sound. I resisted the urge to scream as it did hurt like a...I couldn't even finish my sentence before my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I fell.


   I woke up to see Robbie with his head resting on my torso, his dull eyes staring at nothing in particular. I smiled at him and ruffled his hair we were alone in the woods he looked towards me and garbled I couldn't help but still laugh we both stood up I looked down at myself to see most of my body rotten and decaying with half of my stomach ripped open and gone. Robbie looked down at my body and looked guilty so I walked over and pecked him on the cheek he looked utterly confused but also happy I grinned the best I could and grabbed his hand and started hobbling along, he didn't seem to mind.

   We got quite far into the woods in till we hear a gun being reloaded behind us we slowly turn around to be met with a man who looked in his mid 30's pointing a gun at us there wasn't much we could do so we glanced at each other connected our hands and closed our eyes waiting for the metal cylinder to peirce through our skulls.
Birds flew away as the gun was fired just breaking the silence for a moments as our now fully resting corpses fell to the floor. We may now rest in peace for once now.

It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.
                 Marcus Aurelius.

(6/1/21)- EDITED

I remember being so proud of this when I first wrote it but now I just cringe when I read it.

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