Antisepticeye x Child reader

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(Part 2)

(Y/N)'s POV:

   "Hello ma'am" I said trying to contain my distace at her presence.

   "You're late for breakfast!" She bellowed which I think the whole neighbourhood heard including the surrounding areas but it didn't bother her.

   "I'm sorry" I just wanted to get away from her really, I didn't feel like blabbering with someone with a lower IQ than a insect.

   Scoffing, she walked away her head sticking up at everyone as she surveyed the younger children who were playing among themselves. I sighed and went the opposite direction than the imbecile.

   I wandered down the stairs, catching a glimpse of my acquaintance 'Cry' his signature green SUP hoodie and most noticeable porceline, pokerface mask made him stick out like a sore thumb in the bustling Common area. I pushed past others not bothering or caring enough to see their reactions as I made my way over to him. He noticed me quickly.

   "Sup (Y/N)? Did you hear people are coming to look around again today?" 'Cry' said as soon as I came into earshot. My eyebrows furrowed, annoyance very present on my face.

   'Great some more people to take the pretty,young children and get the rest of our hopes up' I thought, glancing towards the room filled with the infants. Miss Edna was not seen in there anymore which meant someone must of been doing something that ticked her off, she's probably chasing them around as of now.

   "Actually you know what I'm gonna-" Cutting me off,the familiar voice that was once shouting in my face was now yelling at all of us collectively. Everyone that was once scattered around came forward as to not annoy the older caretaker.

   "OK all of yé settle down,and scoot!" She yelled ushering us along with the other staff into a small room off to the side for the public to be able to communicate with us.

   Both me and 'Cry' sighed and reluctantly walked into the room with the other kids. 'Cry' went off over the other side of the room and sat in the corner on his own as usual,he isn't very social. I went and sat in the other corner of the room trying to daydream and ignore my surroundings.

5 Minutes Later

   Miss Edna opened the door that I didn't realise she left through to begin but that doesn't matter, she entered with a group of strangers who immediately started inspecting us along with a few who started cooing at the younger ones. But one particular person caught my eye he stood back and didn't really seem all that interested in being here but it's not only his demeanor and behaviour that struck me it was his unusual appearance.

   He stood at an average height, if he stopped slouching that is, he had a mop of hair as dark as a withered
shamrock (I had to 😅) that seemed to have not met a brush in awhile and only met his fingers. He wore black ripped skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt which was not the most common attire to walk around an orphanage in but it didn't concern me but the thing my gaze was drawn to was the bandages that were tightly secured around his neck, a line of blood seemed to seep through a few layers of the bandages creating a faint show of red.

   A lot of the kids that were free from either the other stranger's clutches or were brave enough crowded around the man bombarding him with questions. I laughed a merciful laugh in his expense.

   I noticed he started...glitching and his neck violently twitched in unthinkable positions. He seemed to catch on to my staring since his eyes met mine in a sharp glare. I looked away, embarrassed.

   Two pairs of feet came into my line of sight, causing me to look up only to be met with 'Cry's' brothers, Virus and Mad.

   "Hey?" I raised an eyebrow at the pair. Shouldn't Mad be terrorising everyone? And shouldn't Virus be scaring the staff? It was rare I actually saw these two, never mind together.

   "Sup? That guy over there wants to see you" Mad said while pointing to the mystery man. Both of them walked over to Cry not waiting for my reply.

   I walked slowly over to the man as soon as he saw me he looked down at me for a few moments before giving an awkward,forced smile.

   "H-Hi" Wtf! Why did I stutter? I gave the scariest glare I could muster once I heard the man's chuckle...which again sounded glitchy.

   "Hey I'm Antisepticeye, Anti for short I suppose. You?"

   "(Y/N),(L/N) nice to meet you"

   After a few minutes of more awkward banter I left the man alone for the other kids to annoy and snuck my way back into my room. Just wanting to lay down and relax.


   The door opened abruptly, startling me awake as Miss Edna waltzed in.

   "Get your stuff packed and get out of this room!" I was confused but I did what I was asked.

   When I finished packing I went down to the front desk to see Anti standing there looking bored again with Cry,Virus and Mad standing near him, their masks just staring at me before the three came and hugged me. Well I could get used to this.

(5/1/21)- EDITED

This was pretty rushed so hope it's still somewhat decent since I don't have time to proof read as of now but will probably do later. Probably not definitely 😅

Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions. Have a nice day/night!

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