Chase Brody x baby reader part 1

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"Momma..." that word rang through the house reaching the woman's ears she cringed at the word don't get her wrong she adored her two other children and deep inside she sorta loved (Y/N) her third child.When she left Chase she was pregnant of course she didn't tell Chase. She even tried to convince her new boyfriend that you were his daughter/son of course he found out later on you weren't his and left Stacy making her dislike to you grow more she even tried to make her other two kids dislike you too but you were still there baby brother/sister but to also please their mother they were mean to you in front of Stacy but took care of you when you guys were alone. But today Stacy decided to get rid of you she spoke on the phone with her ex boyfriend trying to get him to come back but he wanted you gone. Sam and Toby (Chase's two kids) peeked from behind the doorframe at their mom in the kitchen talking on the phone "Sam we can't let them get rid of (Y/N)" Toby whispered turning to his sister with a panicked expression. Sam nodded and grabbed Toby's hand scampering off towards (Y/N)'s room.


Sam's POV:

We walked into (Y/N)'s room I let go of Toby's hand as I walked over to his/her crib picking them up we planned to take (Y/N) to our dad's of course this was going to be hard with mom in the house and she had moved far away from where he and the other egos live because she didn't want dad to come back and try to get us back 'I miss dad' I thought I think Toby knew what I was thinking because he went to our shared room and grabbed our bags coming back in the room setting them down to help me pack a bag for (Y/N). We opened up the wardrobe grabbing a bag that was stuffed in the bottom because mom never took (Y/N) out of the house so she never needed it Toby grabbed a bunch of supplies setting them into the bag (Y/N) sat on the floor by the crib where I had set him/her just watching us running around the room dropping random objects into the bag. We finally finished packing the bag let's go find dad!

Toby's POV:

We quietly sneaked down stairs Sam walked behind me (Y/N) laying on her back. As the stairs creaked my grip on the bag became tighter turning my knuckles white 'We're going to get caught' I thought sweating bullets my steps became more hesitant like I was afraid to open the front door. Maybe this is a bad idea?

Part 2?

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